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Apozema Apis compositum eye drops No. 41 - 10 ml

Apozema Apis compositum eye drops No. 41 - 10 ml

Regular price $48.50 USD
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APOZEMA® Apis compositum eye drops contain homeopathic substances from the plant, animal and mineral kingdoms with a special effect on the eyes. The individual components complement each other.

APOZEMA® Apis compositum eye drops are preservative-free. This is guaranteed by a special sterile filter system (OSD system) in the dropper insert, which means that a small amount of liquid remains in the bottle. Thanks to the filter system, the eye drops can be kept for 6 months after opening.

APOZEMA® Apis compositum eye drops are suitable for children from the age of 2 and wearers of soft and hard contact lenses.

Areas of application
To stimulate the self-healing powers according to the homeopathic drug picture for allergy-related eye problems and itching.

active ingredient

  • Apis: The homeopathic preparation of the bee helps with inflammation of the eyes with burning pain.
  • Belladonna: The deadly nightshade has proven itself in acute, stormy onset complaints.
  • Euphrasia: Also called eyebright, it is used to treat inflamed or watery eyes.
  • Euphorbium: The milky sap of spurge helps with itching and dryness in the eyes, irritation of the eyelids and the conjunctiva.
  • Mercurius solubilis: The homeopathic remedy mercury has proven itself in eye complaints such as conjunctivitis with red, swollen eyelids or stinging symptoms in watery eyes.
  • Rhus toxicodendron: Obtained from the fresh, young shoots of the poisonous ivy and used in homeopathy for swollen eyes with painful, stinging tears.
  • Ruta graveolens: The rue has proven itself in eye complaints such as overstrain with redness.
  • Sabadilla: The healing properties of sabadilla seeds in homeopathic dilution are aimed at burning, watery eyes and hay fever symptoms in the eyes.


10 g contain:
Apis (honey bee), Belladonna (deadly nightshade), Euphrasia (eyebright), Euphorbium (milky sap from Euphorbia resinifera), Mercurius solubilis (mercury), Rhus toxicodendron (poison sumac), Ruta graveolens (rue), Sabadilla (sabadilla seeds) each dil. D5, 0.1g each.


Adults, adolescents and children from 2 years: 1-2 drops in each eye one to several times a day.

The duration of action of a drug can vary from person to person. In principle, the application of the preparation is repeated when the effect wears off or when the symptoms return.

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