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Apozema Menopause Drops No. 36 - 50 ml

Apozema Menopause Drops No. 36 - 50 ml

Regular price $55.50 USD
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The areas of application are derived from the homeopathic drug pictures. To activate and strengthen the body's own self-healing powers for symptoms associated with menopause such as sweating, hot flushes, mood disorders and sleep disorders.

properties of the ingredients

  • Lachesis (secretion of the venom gland of the lance-shaped viper) is used homeopathically, among other things, for menopausal nervous disorders. This also results in the area of ​​​​application of nervous depression with palpitations and flushes.
  • Acidum sulfuricum (sulphuric acid) has the female genital organs as its direction of action. Symptoms of the menopause and hot flashes are described in the drug picture.
  • Belladonna (deadly nightshade) has a very wide range of medicinal products and is used, for example, to treat menstrual disorders and breast pain.
  • Ignatia (Ignatius bean) is also a constitutional remedy for the female sex organs. Painful menstrual disorders and melancholy are in the foreground of the drug picture.
  • Pulsatilla (pasque flower) has a wide range of medicinal products with a female sex effect. Weak menstrual bleeding, menstrual disorders and menopausal symptoms are part of the drug picture.
  • Sanguinaria (Canadian bloodroot) is used homeopathically in menopause.
  • Sepia (Dried Ink of the Cuttlefish) has a broad medicinal picture. Symptoms as a result of alternating hormonal changes are part of the drug picture.
  • Sulfur is a constitutional remedy. Hot flashes and nervous restlessness are included in the drug picture.


Acidum sulfuricum Dil. D4, Belladonna Dil. D6, Ignatia Dil. D6, Lachesis Dil. D12, Pulsatilla dil. D6, Sanguinaria Dil. D4, Sepia Dil. D6, Sulfur Dil. D12.


Adults: 21 drops up to 5 times daily throughout the day.

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