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Apozema Stress and Nerve Drops No. 33 - 50 ml

Apozema Stress and Nerve Drops No. 33 - 50 ml

Regular price $55.50 USD
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The areas of application are derived from the homeopathic drug pictures. To activate and strengthen the body's own self-healing powers in the event of stress, nervous exhaustion, concentration disorders and inner restlessness.

properties of the ingredients

  • Lycopus virginicus (Virginian wolf's foot) has as a medicinal picture exhaustion caused by nervous insomnia.
  • Avena sativa (oats) is a good tonic for nervous exhaustion and helps with concentration disorders.
  • Belladonna (deadly nightshade) has a very wide range of medicinal products and can also be used for restless sleep due to nervous irritation.
  • Chininum arsenicosum (quinine arsenite) is used for general weakness. Accompanying are palpitations, poor circulation and sweating.
  • Coffea (unroasted coffee beans) acts on the central nervous system as well as the heart and circulatory system. The remedy picture shows surviving body and mind, easy comprehension and fluid thought.
  • Lachesis (a secretion from the venom glands of the spear-shaped viper) is used for behavioral disorders and mood disorders. The main symptom is great emotional and spiritual excitement with insomnia and nightmares.
  • Veratrum album (White Hellebore, Germer) is used in the heart and circulatory system with weakness and nervous exhaustion.


Avena sativa Dil. D4, Belladonna Dil. D4, Chininum arsenicosum Dil. D8, Coffea Dil. D12, Lachesis Dil. D12, Lycopus virginicus Dil. D4, Veratrum album Dil. D4.


Adolescents from 12 years and adults: 21 drops up to 4 times a day spread over the day.

Children from 6 to 12 years: 7 drops diluted in a little water up to 3 times a day spread over the day.

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