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Dr. Ehrenberger grapefruit seed extract 90 capsules

Dr. Ehrenberger grapefruit seed extract 90 capsules

Regular price $60.50 USD
Regular price Sale price $60.50 USD
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Have you ever heard of a natural antibiotic?


An antibiotic (from the Greek ἀντί- anti- "against" and βίος bios "life") has an antimicrobial effect, i.e. it can inhibit the growth of microbes. Antibiotics can save lives, no question! But it also damages the "good" intestinal bacteria, which is why we always recommend taking Lactobacillus intestinal bacteria when taking antibiotics.

For some health problems, however, using antibiotics is like shooting at sparrows with a cannon. A gentler alternative from nature would be appropriate here.

Antimicrobial effect from nature

If a natural product has an antimicrobial effect, it could be observed that a certain intelligence is present. Good gut bacteria are preserved.

We recommend using either olive leaf extract or the grapefruit seed extract featured here when needed.

Grapefruit seed extract is a highly concentrated, purely herbal extract, which is obtained from the seeds and cell walls of the grapefruit without any additives. The extract mainly contains valuable flavonoids and essential vitamin C and is often used for infections, for the gastrointestinal tract and for weight loss.

  • 100% pure grapefruit seed extract from solvent-free cold water extraction with 50% flavonoids
  • Patented, well researched and proven extract
  • More pleasant to take than bitter liquid extract with the same effect
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