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Adler Schuessler No.10 Sodium sulfuricum D6, 1000 g

Adler Schuessler No.10 Sodium sulfuricum D6, 1000 g

Regular price $115.50 USD
Regular price Sale price $115.50 USD
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  • suitable for people with lactose intolerance
  • suitable for diabetics
  • tooth friendly
  • without wheat starch, therefore gluten-free

So that the Schüßler chewable tablets are 1:1 in terms of potentiation and dosage and in terms of the biochemical healing method according to the considerations of Dr. Schüßlers are to be used, a complex production is necessary. From now on, lactose-intolerant people can use these Schuessler chewable tablets from Adler Pharma without worrying and no longer have to choose the detour via dilutions containing alcohol.

Now diabetics can also take their Schuessler salts! With the Schuessler chewable tablets from Adler Pharma you have a product in your hands that hardly puts a strain on the insulin balance. Isomalt, the main component in terms of quantity, has a very low glycemic index (2!) and has only a low impact on the blood sugar level.

Schüßler chewable tablets from Adler Pharma are tooth-friendly because they do not cause tooth decay, as isomalt is not broken down in the mouth. This prevents plaque formation. In addition, as the main sugar component, isomalt stimulates the flow of saliva. The remineralization of previous caries damage is positively influenced. Isomalt also has a tooth-cleansing and buffering effect on the teeth.

Please note that due to the composition of the chewable tablets, these may NOT be given to animals because animals cannot metabolize isomalt!

Description of the functions:

Natrum sulfuricum is the fuel of the liver.
It enables the breakdown of pollutants. As a means of depleting the fluid balance, it is used for swollen hands, feet and bags under the eyes.

No. 10 is the means for detoxification and elimination of harmful substances.

A deficiency results in swollen feet, lower legs, hands and bags under the eyes.
In addition, there is unpleasant flatulence. Harmful substances in the skin show up in itchy, biting eczema. Breaking down toxins and strengthening the liver is fundamental to healthy weight loss, so #10 is used as a detoxifier.


The minerals according to Dr. Schüßler see themselves in their application as regulation therapy, ideally suited for health care and prevention of diseases, or to accompany or support medical therapy, in the sense of a complementary medical application. dr Schüßler distinguishes between operating materials (functional materials in the cells) and building materials that are necessary for the structure of the body.

The minerals are so diluted that they are absorbed directly through the oral mucosa into tissue and blood. Schuessler salts are homeopathically prepared, potentised medicines of high quality, which are supplied to the body due to a lack of fuel (functional substances) in the cells.


The application results from the described functions of the minerals. Let the tablets melt in your mouth or dissolve them in water in portions throughout the day and take them in sips. The dosage depends on the strength of the need.

Special instructions:

Applicable from infancy.

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