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Agaffin laxative gel 100ml

Agaffin laxative gel 100ml

Regular price $39.50 USD
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Agaffin is a laxative that gently stimulates the natural emptying process in the large intestine through contact with the intestinal mucosa


Agaffin is a laxative that gently stimulates the natural emptying process in the large intestine through contact with the intestinal mucosa. Agaffin has no effect in the stomach or small intestine. Therefore, you can also use the drug if you have a sensitive stomach or suffer from stomach or intestinal ulcers. Agaffin does not affect the liver function or the intestinal flora. Agaffin is used - to temporarily relieve constipation, especially if you are bedridden for a long time, change your diet, travel, etc.; - in the case of constipation (constipation) with severe general illnesses, fever, circulatory or metabolic diseases; - to facilitate defecation such as hemorrhoids, injuries around the anal area or if an abdominal crunch is to be avoided;



Do not take Agaffin - if you are hypersensitive (allergic) to sodium picosulphate or any of the other ingredients of agaffin; - if you have intestinal obstruction; - in acute inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract; - for acute abdominal pain to be treated surgically, such as acute appendicitis; - severe abdominal pain together with nausea and vomiting - if the body loses a lot of water. Take special care when taking agaffin If you suffer from abdominal pain of unknown origin, nausea or vomiting, please talk to your doctor before use. Although accustoming to agaffin has not yet been observed, it must be taken into account that the regular use of laxatives can lead to a reduction in the sensitivity of the intestinal mucosa, so that the laxative effect can only be achieved by increasing the dose. Laxatives should only be taken for a short time in the case of constipation. Long-term intake of laxatives should therefore be avoided by taking suitable dietary measures, e.g. foods rich in fiber (cereal products, fruit, vegetables) and drinking sufficient amounts (2 liters per day). Any consumption that goes beyond a short-term use leads to an increase in the constipation of the intestine. Diarrhea-like, watery stools can lead to abdominal pain and fluid loss. This undesirable effect can be remedied by reducing the dose. The prolonged or excessive use of laxatives can lead to disturbances of the fluid and electrolyte balance, eg to potassium deficiency, which can lead to renewed constipation, disturbances of the heart function, fatigue, fluid accumulation in the tissue and muscle weakness. Therefore, you shouldn't use agaffin every day for a long period of time. Children over 4 years of age and adolescents should not take laxatives without a doctor's recommendation. It is not recommended for children under 4 years of age due to lack of data. Taking other medicines. Please tell your doctor or pharmacist if you are taking / using or have recently taken / used any other medicines, including medicines obtained without a prescription. You should not take agaffin laxative gel at the same time as medicines that reduce the acidity of the stomach (neutralizing stomach medicines (antacids) or medicines from the group of proton pump inhibitors). If such drugs are required, they should be taken at least half an hour after Agaffin Laxative Gel. take in.

pregnancy and breast feeding period

Ask your doctor or pharmacist for advice before taking any medicine. There are no adequate and controlled studies in pregnant women. The animal experiments did not provide any evidence of teratogenic effects. Even so, agaffin should not be used in the first trimester of pregnancy. In the later course of pregnancy and during breastfeeding, the preparation should only be taken as prescribed by a doctor. Driving and using machines Agaffin has no or negligible influence on the ability to drive and use machines.

Important information about certain of the ingredients of agaffin

This medicine contains sorbitol. Please only take Agaffin - Laxative Gel after consulting your doctor, if you know that you suffer from a sugar intolerance. The calorie value is 2.6 kcal / g sorbitol. Methyl 4-hydroxybenzoate and propyl 4-hydroxybenzoate (preservatives) can cause hypersensitivity reactions, including late reactions.



Always take agaffin laxative gel exactly as your doctor has told you. Please ask your doctor or pharmacist if you are not sure. Unless otherwise prescribed by the doctor, the usual dose is: Dosage Adults: 8-16 ml (= 1 to 2 measuring spoons up to the upper mark) Children from the age of 4 and adolescents: 5-10 ml (= 1 to 2 measuring spoons up to middle mark). Not suitable for children under 4 years of age. It is advisable to start the treatment with the specified higher dosage and then, depending on the achieved and desired stool consistency, to reduce this dose. Method of application Agaffin is best taken in the evening before going to bed, as the laxative effect occurs after an average of 6-10 hours. The enclosed measuring spoon makes dosing easier and holds 3 ml up to the lower line, 5 ml up to the middle line and 8 ml up to the upper line mark. Duration of application Prolonged use should be avoided. The need for continued use must be checked after one week and the required duration of use determined in individual cases.

If you take more agaffin than you should If you accidentally take more than the prescribed dose, please contact a doctor. He will decide on any measures that may be necessary. Overdose is characterized by severe diarrhea, abdominal pain, and gas. The resulting loss of water and minerals can lead to cardiac disorders, muscle weakness and muscle cramps. Chronic abuse of laxatives leads mainly to potassium deficiency and disorders of food utilization. If you forget to take Agaffin Do not use a double dose to make up for a forgotten dose. Continue taking it at the next time. If you stop taking Agaffin Agaffin - Laxative Gel is only taken when needed and should be discontinued after the symptoms have subsided. If you have any further questions on the use of the medicinal product, ask your doctor or pharmacist.



Like all medicines, Agaffin can cause side effects, although not everybody gets them. Please inform your doctor or pharmacist if you become seriously affected by any of the side effects listed, or if you notice any side effects not listed in this leaflet. The following classification was used to describe the frequency of side effects: Rare: Affects 1 to 10 people in 10,000 Very rare: Affects less than 1 in 10,000 people If taken for a short time at the recommended dose, the following side effects may occur: Gastrointestinal disorders Rare : Abdominal discomfort (e.g. gas, abdominal pain, abdominal cramps and diarrhea) Immune system disorders Very rare: Hypersensitivity reactions Long-term or high-dose use can lead to dehydration and a lack of potassium, rarely calcium and magnesium. This can lead to loss of appetite, a tendency to edema (tendency for water to accumulate in the legs), tiredness, muscle weakness or disorders of the heart function, especially if you take dehydrating agents and hormones of the adrenal cortex (cortisone) at the same time. Any consumption of Agaffin - Laxative Gel beyond a short period of use leads to an increase in the constipation of the bowel. Agaffin laxative gel should therefore only be used for a short time. Muscle weakness or disorders of the heart function, especially if you take dehydrating agents and hormones of the adrenal cortex (cortisone) at the same time. Any consumption of Agaffin - Laxative Gel beyond a short period of use leads to an increase in the constipation of the intestines. Agaffin laxative gel should therefore only be used for a short time. Muscle weakness or disorders of the heart function, especially if you take dehydrating agents and hormones of the adrenal cortex (cortisone) at the same time. Any consumption of Agaffin - Laxative Gel beyond a short period of use leads to an increase in the constipation of the bowel. Agaffin laxative gel should therefore only be used for a short time.



Store drug out of reach of children. Do not store above 25 ° C. Shake well before use. Do not use this medicine after the expiry date which is stated on the carton and sachet or bottle. No longer than 2 weeks (aluminum tube) or 8 weeks (plastic bottle) after opening the container

Usually ships out within 3-4 days

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