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Ajatin PLUS solution 10% 1000ml

Ajatin PLUS solution 10% 1000ml

Regular price $65.50 USD
Regular price Sale price $65.50 USD
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The preparation Ajatin Plus solution 10% is used to disinfect the skin, small wounds and abrasions. It is also used for surface disinfection of various surfaces and objects.
The solution is effective against bacteria, fungi, yeasts, lower fungi, algae and some viruses.

Dosage and method of use

It is advisable to dilute the preparation with water according to the instructions given in the package leaflet. The skin must be thoroughly rubbed with a tampon soaked in the solution or wetted in a prepared bath. The duration of action is at least 1 minute or until the product dries. For the version with a mechanical nebulizer, apply the solution at a distance of 10 cm to the skin.
It is not advisable to combine Ajatin with strongly oxidizing substances (hydrogen peroxide) and soaps that cancel the disinfection effects.
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