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Apozema bronchial and cough drops No. 12, 50ml

Apozema bronchial and cough drops No. 12, 50ml

Regular price $48.50 USD
Regular price Sale price $48.50 USD
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Cold-related coughs, bronchial catarrh, spasmodic dry cough and smoker's cough.

Hyoscyamus (henbane) shows as a drug picture spasmodic conditions of the respiratory tract. Ipecacuanha (catchwort) is a remedy often used in homeopathy that acts on the lower respiratory tract. Cough with rattling mucus and shortness of breath is part of the drug picture. Kalium iodatum (potassium iodide) has its place in homeopathy for catarrh of the upper respiratory tract that is already chronic. Stannum iodatum (tin iodide) is used for chronic catarrh, especially of the deep airways and bronchi. " who are already chronic. Stannum iodatum (tin iodide) is used for chronic catarrhs, especially of the deep airways and bronchi. " who are already chronic. Stannum iodatum (tin iodide) is used for chronic catarrh, especially of the deep airways and bronchi. "


Per 100 grams: Grindelia Dil. D4 2.0 g; Ammonium bromatum Dil. D4 2.0 g; Antimonium sulfuratum aurantiacum Dil. D8 2.0 g; Bryonia Dil. D12 2.0 g; Cuprum aceticum Dil. D4 2.0 g; Hyoscyamus Dil. D6 2.0 g; Ipecacuanha Dil. D4 2.0 g; Potassium iodatum Dil. D6 2.0 g and Stannum iodatum Dil. D12 2.0 g; Ethanol, purified water. Alcohol content approx. 43% by weight, approx. 49 drops = 1 gram.


The areas of application are derived from the homeopathic drug pictures of the individual remedies. These include coughs caused by the common cold, bronchial catarrh, spasmodic irritable cough and smoker's cough. The use of this homeopathic medicinal product in the named fields of application is based exclusively on homeopathic experience. Clinically proven therapy is indicated for severe forms of these diseases. 10 to 15 drops three to four times a day before meals.

Usually ships out within 3-4 days

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