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Aromatica Cumin hemorrhoids treatment emulsion 25 ml

Aromatica Cumin hemorrhoids treatment emulsion 25 ml

Regular price $20.50 USD
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Herbal emulsion with astringent and anti-inflammatory effects for the treatment of hemorrhoids

Detailed product information

Herbal emulsion with herbal extracts is a modern form of application allowing easy absorption of the active substances and leaving no greasy film on the skin. The emulsion is easy to spread and pleasantly cool. The absence of dyes and perfumes reduces the risk of allergic reactions.

  • astringent and anti-inflammatory effects
  • soothing irritated skin

Active ingredients: 
Horse chestnut ( Aesculus hippocastanum ) - This ornamental tree, commonly planted in parks, also known as horse chestnut, is a very good source of escina. Jírovec is one of the main representatives of the plant kingdom in the fight against varicose veins. His astringent and antiphlogistic effects are beneficial to the whole body veins. There is a narrowing and toning of vein walls where they have been damaged. Reduces venous inflammation, swelling and congestion. 

Summer Oak ( Quercus robur) - A tree with a huge crown. Its use in folk therapy is more for its external effects than the inner effects. Oak bark provides tannins, used for medical purposes, for example, for tanning. Internally as an effective astringent for diarrhea, hemorrhoids, or varicose veins. It is also possible to use it as a gargle for sore throats or mouthwashes, or for application directly to bleeding gums or hemorrhoids, frostbite and eczema. It is used as an ointment for cutting wounds, burns and hemorrhoids. 

Comfrey ( Symphytum) - One of the most well-known and widely used folk remedies for healing wounds and bruises. The plant is attributed the ability to accelerate the healing of bone fractures - hence the name of the plant. Comfrey ointment has been known since the Middle Ages. The active substances are allantoin, pyrrolizidine alkaloids, tannins, sterols, etc. It has a beneficial effect on wound healing, sprain, strain on muscles or joints. It can also be applied to cracked skin, possibly to reduce swelling. The herb helps with varicose veins and ulcers, but it is not advisable to use it for open wounds. 

Massage several times a day into the rectum skin. 

Storage: Do not
store above 25 ° C. Use by the date indicated on the package. Caution emulsifier must not freeze! 

In people with sensitive skin, we recommend checking the compatibility of the emulsion with a small amount of skin before application. 

Opaque plastic tube with a screw cap of 25 ml. 

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