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Betadona Advanced wound healing gel 50 g

Betadona Advanced wound healing gel 50 g

Regular price $59.50 USD
Regular price Sale price $59.50 USD
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    BETADONA® ADVANCED wound and healing gel is a special product for wound healing that promotes skin regeneration and thus accelerates the healing process. It consists of a hydrogel with liposomes and 3% povidone-iodine. The cell components (phospholipids) of the liposomes contained in BETADONA® ADVANCED wound and healing gel have similar physiological properties to skin cells.

    At the base of the wound, the phospholipids can repair damaged cell membranes. The hydrogel base (carbomer) serves as a carrier for the liposomes. Many years of scientific research have shown that optimal wound healing requires a moist environment in which damaged tissue can regenerate more quickly.

    The hydrogel base of BETADONA® ADVANCED wound and healing gel provides a moist environment and supports wound cleaning by removing dead tissue.
    BETADONA® ADVANCED wound and healing gel has proven useful in the treatment of acute wounds such as non-infected transplant wounds, abrasions and blisters, e.g. B. caused by CO2 laser treatments, skin diseases (acne vulgaris, atopic dermatitis, impetigo contagiosa and rosacea), burns or punch biopsies, clinically proven.

    BETADONA® ADVANCED wound and healing gel is a clinically proven treatment for chronic wounds such as venous leg ulcers, diabetic foot ulcers and leg ulcers.


    The product must NOT be used

    • if you have already had a hypersensitive reaction to iodine or other components of the product,
    • if you suffer from thyroid disease (including thyroid cancer) or dermatitis herpetiformis,
    • during radiotherapy of the thyroid with iodine (radio-iodine therapy),
    • 4 weeks before a planned thyroid scintigraphy (imaging examination of the thyroid with radioactively labeled iodine) or radio-iodine therapy.
    • Do not use on mucous membranes and eyes.


    • Povidone-iodine, one of the components of BETADONA® ADVANCED wound and healing gel, can react with proteins (e.g. enzymes in ointments or gelatin) and other organic substances (e.g. components of blood and wound secretions), resulting in reduced effectiveness can have consequences.
    • Do not mix BETADONA® ADVANCED wound and healing gel with substances containing calcium or aluminum.
    • Do not mix BETADONA® ADVANCED wound and healing gel with emulsions or oily ointments.
    • If BETADONA® ADVANCED wound and healing gel and enzymatic wound treatment products or disinfectants based on hydrogen peroxide, silver or taurolidine are used at the same time, the effect of each other will be weakened.
    • Do not use BETADONA® ADVANCED wound and healing gel on the same or adjacent areas at the same time or directly after disinfectants containing octenidine, otherwise temporary dark discoloration may occur.
    • BETADONA® ADVANCED Wound and Healing Gel must not be used at the same time or shortly after using wound treatments or disinfectants containing mercury, as iodine and mercury can potentially form a substance that is harmful to the skin.
    • During treatment with BETADONA® ADVANCED wound and healing gel, various things can occur


    Clean wound if necessary.
    2a. Apply BETADONA® ADVANCED wound and healing gel about 2 mm thick directly to the wound. If necessary, protect wound edges with an oily ointment.
    2b. Apply BETADONA® ADVANCED wound and healing gel approximately 2 mm thick directly onto the wound dressing*. If necessary, protect wound edges with an oily ointment.
    3. Cover the wound with paraffin gauze and wound dressing*.

    *When choosing the wound dressing, the relevant contraindications must be taken into account. Do not use silver-coated pads.
    BETADONA® ADVANCED wound and healing gel is suitable for various wound dressings.
    BETADONA® ADVANCED wound and healing gel is not suitable for wound dressings containing silver.

    Side effects

    The assessment of side effects is based on the following frequency information:
    Very common: in more than 1 in 10 treated patients
    Common: in less than 1 in 10 but more than 1 in 100 treated patients
    Uncommon: in less than 1 in 100 but more than 1 in 1000 treated patients
    Rare: in less than 1 in 1000, but more than 1 in 10,000 treated patients
    Very rare: in less than 1 in 10,000 treated patients
    Unknown: frequency cannot be estimated from the available data

    When using BETADONA® ADVANCED wound and healing gel, the following known side effects can occur:

    Temporary burning without affecting the healing process, e.g. B. in large superficial wounds.

    Hypersensitivity reactions of the skin, which can manifest themselves in the form of itching with redness, swelling and blisters. After ingesting large amounts of medications containing povidone-iodine (e.g. in the treatment of burns), electrolyte and serum osmolarity disorders (which affect the amount of mineral salts dissolved in the blood), impairment of kidney function and, in extreme cases, kidney failure can occur as well as excessive acidification of the blood (metabolic acidosis).

    Very rare:
    Acute systemic allergic reactions in connection with povidone-iodine with drop in blood pressure and/or shortness of breath (anaphylactic reactions), acute swelling of the skin or mucous membranes (angioedema or Quincke's edema), hyperthyroidism (iodine-induced hyperthyroidism), possibly with symptoms such as rapid pulse or agitation in patients with thyroid disease (see also “Warnings and
    precautions” section).

    If you experience serious side effects or notice any side effects not listed in this leaflet, please tell your doctor or pharmacist.


    Carbomer, hydrogenated (3-sn-phosphatidyl)choline (soy), sodium hydroxide, citric acid, disodium hydrogen phosphate, potassium iodate, povidone iodine and purified water.

    Usually ships out within 3-4 business days

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