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Bio Gen OSTARINE (MK-2866) 25mg 60 ml

Bio Gen OSTARINE (MK-2866) 25mg 60 ml

Regular price $121.50 USD
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Bio-Gen Osta-50 (Ostarine)  contains MK-2866 sarm at a dose of 25 mg per ml. High concentration for use by advanced athletes. Ostarin, also known as Enobosarm, is a selective modulator of the SARM androgen receptor. It stimulates steroid hormone receptors (androgen receptors) that mimic the effects of testosterone.

 Ostarin in liquid form with high bioavailability!

 It is one of the most popular sarmas used among professional athletes due to its extremely satisfactory effects and virtually zero side effects. MK-2866 can activate muscle stem cells (satellite cells), which help to remodel and regenerate muscles. Research shows that this component stimulates the cells in the connective tissue that are needed for muscle regeneration after injuries.

We recommend using the Osta-50 supplement primarily to ensure muscle growth without excessive water retention, increased strength, endurance, increased energy and well-being. The supplement does not increase aggression and it is not necessary to use PCT supplements at doses up to 25 mg.

For all bodybuilders and athletes, the main problem of reduction cycles is the loss of muscle mass. The ostarine supplement solves this problem by effectively preventing muscle breakdown during the diet.

Ostarin inhibits catabolism (prevents the use of proteins as a fuel source). The use allows to maintain the growth of muscle mass after the end of testosterone replacement therapy. Users who are very sensitive to estrogen or who are taking high doses of -35 mg / day should combine it with aromatase inhibitors that prevent the conversion of androgens to estrogen. Most cycles last between 8 - 12 weeks.

The cycle for beginners starts with a lower dose of 10 mg. With more experience with the use of sarma, the dose may be increased, but the whole cycle should not last longer than 12 weeks. Ostarine is highly anabolic and thanks to a good calorie diet and intense training, you can easily build new muscles.

 Depending on the effect:

Muscle mass:

The recommended dose is 25 mg for 4-6 weeks. PCT is not required.


12.5-25 mg for 4-8 weeks. Your diet needs increased protein for the best results.

Weight loss:

12.5-15 mg for 4-6 weeks.

 Active substance: MK-2866: 25 mg per ml

 The product is intended for research and scientific purposes.

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