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Doskar Drops No. 16 - Heart and Circulatory Drops

Doskar Drops No. 16 - Heart and Circulatory Drops

Regular price $50.50 USD
Regular price Sale price $50.50 USD
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Application: blood pressure regulator (hyper and hypo), support with digitalis therapy, flu infections, sensitivity to weather, tiredness

Crataegus D1 75%, Aurum coll D4 5%, Strophantus D4 5%, Cactus D2 5%, Camphora D2 5%, Valeriana D1 5%.

blood pressure regulator (Hyper and Hypo). Support with digital therapy, influenza effects, sensitivity to weather, tiredness.

Properties and effectiveness:    
Cardiovascular disorders occur in the context of serious illnesses as well as age-related and are sometimes accompanied by mild to severe symptoms of insufficiency with their special treatment options. Since the heart and circulation are a self-contained whole, the appropriate means used for this must have a bilateral effect. The remedies combined in the cardiovascular drops have special mechanisms of action that are used in homeopathy both as individual remedies and, since ancient times, in mixtures with coordinated effects.

Crataegusis known for its mild heart-toning effect, whereby in D1 a very cautious effect is also developed on the easily excitable heart (also with digitalism medication in the sense of a reduction in excitability as a favorable accompanying therapy). In this sense, Crataegus has a regulating effect in both the hyper- and hypotension areas.

Aurum colloidale is known for its effect on the vascular system in its blood overload and congestion as well as its effect on the central nervous system and mind.

Strophantus gratus acts in the 4th power on over-excitability, nervous side effects and attacks of heart palpitations.

Cactus grandiflorus in its well-known and proven effect on coronary vessels, but also causes the heart to tone.

Camphora has an impact on the vasomotor center and the general tone of the vascular system, also on the terminal vascular system with its stasis.

Valerianais effective where insomnia, fear and restlessness burden the sick person in his overall condition and thus also influence somatic events. The cardiovascular drops have been highly valued by patients for many years due to this medication coordination and are based on old experience, whereby many patients can again do without their digitalism medication and many patients in need of digitalis experience positive additional support for their entire cardiovascular situation. Sometimes a dose reduction is tolerated or better digitalis tolerance is achieved. It is always the entire person who, from the psyche to the terminal stream, is ill, affected, suffers and needs profound and multi-layered help,

Side effects:    
None known so far.

20 drops 3 times a day, more often in case of complaints. Shake before use!

General note:    
Homeopathic drops should be taken undiluted if possible, if possible directly on the tongue, as they are absorbed through the oral mucous membranes. If the taste is too sharp, you can dilute the counted drops in a glass with a few drops of water. Unless otherwise stated, homeopathic drops should always be taken on an empty stomach, ie before eating.        
Plant-based and other natural products in higher concentrations can lead to cloudiness and light precipitation due to temperature fluctuations and other storage conditions, which have no influence on the effectiveness.

Special warnings for safe use:
This medicinal specialty     contains 52.8% alcohol by volume and must not be given to alcoholics. For children, the counted drops should be diluted with a little water (2-3 tablespoons). Pregnancy and breastfeeding: The doctor decides on the administration during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Medical advice is required at the first signs of side effects.

Usually ships out within 3-4 days

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