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Ecce Vita Reslim 60 capsules

Ecce Vita Reslim 60 capsules

Regular price $48.50 USD
Regular price Sale price $48.50 USD
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Reslim will support your metabolism and facilitate the loss of excess weight.

The fruits of tropical Garcinia contain hydroxycitric acid, which prevents the storage of fats, while extracts from the fruits of the Vrcholák and Haritaki trees help to optimally function the intestines. Therapeutic effects Medical embryos also have fruits that ripen in autumn and dry. Amalaki has regenerative effects on the body and mind, and also supports digestion.

Instructions: Take one capsule three times a day with food.

Not suitable for pregnant and lactating women.

Also suitable for vegans.

Ingredients: Mountain resin (Shilajit, Mumio), Piper longum, Garcinia cambogia, Piper nigrum, Zingiber officinale, Emblica officinalis, Terminalia belerica ), Tannin (Terminalia chebula)

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