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German Pharma Hydroxybol 60 capsules

German Pharma Hydroxybol 60 capsules

Regular price $89.50 USD
Regular price Sale price $89.50 USD
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Epistane or Epi is a DHT prohormone that was marketed by RPN under the product “Havoc”. Epi is a slightly methylated PH that is also a very strong anti-estogenic compound. It has 12 times stronger androgen receptor binding ability than testosterone. These properties make epistane one of the most anabolic and anti-estrogenic compounds on the market.

Anabolic epistane is a special prohormone that will help you build muscle mass even during a diet or specially adapted fitness diet. It has muscle building abilities like anabolic steroids. It binds to androgen receptors of skeletal muscle and muscle stem cells. This leads to changes in muscle cell function and improves protein synthesis.

DHT stands for dihydrotestosterone, which is very similar to human testosterone. In addition, it is not flavored. This means that it does not show unwanted estrogenic side effects such as gynecomastia and water retention. Results from using Epistane vary depending on dosage, experience, diet and a number of other factors. It shows a high effect on the increase of pure muscle mass while reducing the amount of fat. It is also excellent for multi-component PH cycles. In the available materials, we most often encounter a weight gain of 7-8 kg during one cycle, while the fat is reduced by 1-3%.

In cycles where epistane was incorporated with more PH, an increase of up to 10-12 kg of muscles is reported. These are impressive numbers. Epistane does not carry a minimal risk of negative effects, making it an ideal prohormone.


The individual daily dose is 20 – 30 mg per day divided into 2 – 3 doses, consumed together with food containing fat, for a period of about 4 – 6 weeks. For beginners, a maximum cycle of one month is recommended. For more demanding users, the use of 40 mg for the entire cycle is suitable. When buying a product containing epistane, you must keep in mind that Epi has a very short shelf life. It is good to consume them immediately after purchase and opening the package.

PCT is needed after the cycle (we recommend ULTIMATE PCT from SWISS Pharma)

This compound can be used for both contouring and bulking cycles and works best in combination with other prohormones, nutritional supplements, and vitamins and minerals.


  • 5a-hydroxylaxogenin 100 mg

Hydroxybol does not require PCT

The manufacturer disclaims responsibility for consequences caused by incorrect dosage, use during any impaired state of health, in combination with alcohol, medication or drugs.

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