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Leros URCYSTON PLANTA tea bags 20 x 1.5 g

Leros URCYSTON PLANTA tea bags 20 x 1.5 g

Regular price $24.50 USD
Regular price Sale price $24.50 USD
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Traditional medicinal tea Urcyston Planta is used as a supplementary treatment for acute urinary tract infections , which are manifested by burning during urination and frequent urination . It acts as a diuretic, antiseptic (antibacterial), relieves smooth muscle spasm . Its use is based exclusively on long-term experience. The product is suitable for adults and adolescents from 12 years. Not suitable during pregnancy and lactation.


Pour a ¼ l of boiling water over the infusion bag. Leave to infuse for 10 minutes in a covered container. Always make fresh tea immediately before use. Take 3-5 times a day (usually 1-2 weeks). To increase the effect, it is recommended to add soda to the tip of the knife after leaching.

Take the medicine for up to 2 weeks without consulting your doctor. If symptoms worsen or do not improve within 1 week, consult a doctor. The treatment may be repeated up to 5 times a year.


1 infusion bag (1.5 g) contains: Bearberry leaf (Uvae ursi folium 0.375 g), Horsetail leaves (Equiseti herba 0.300 g), Blueberry leaves (Myrtilli herba 0.225 g), Chamomile flower (Matricariae flos 0.150 g), Flower elderberry (Sambuci nigrae flos 0.150 g), golden-yellow leaves (Solidaginis herba 0.150 g), thyme leaves (Thymi herba 0.150 g).


May cause brown discoloration of urine. If you develop blood or pus in the urine, lower abdominal pain or fever while taking this medicine, consult your doctor.

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