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Magister Doskar No. 14 nerve and exam drops 50 ml

Magister Doskar No. 14 nerve and exam drops 50 ml

Regular price $50.50 USD
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Coffea D12, Gelsemium D30, Argentum nitricum D12, Ambergris D3, Strophanthus D4.

nervousness, no sedation, performance increase, balance for managers.

Properties and effectiveness:     
So-called bad or good nerves have often decided about success or failure in life. How often do you come across the statement: "You need nerves of steel for this" or "You need good nerves for this". How well we know from sport that the better nerves have won. How many students know how to sing a song about how, after months of good preparation, their nerves suddenly gave out during the exam. As often as the nerves have to be stimulated with coffee and nicotine in order to maintain performance, the opposite is also often the case, that over-excitement leads to inability to perform. How important it is for people, what position and recognition they can achieve in a group and how much they are able to present and assert themselves with their thoughts and ideas.        
A healthy person also has the opportunity to present themselves according to their abilities. The fact that people with just strong nerves push themselves to the fore is unfortunate; the more delicate, the finer, the more nervous fall behind. It is precisely these people where a pronounced emotional disposition, an emotional excitability, affects the body so much that it fails to function. Then break out in a sweat, palpitations, tremors, cold or heat, stomach and intestinal disorders and ultimately problems with concentration and thoughts. To a certain extent, excitement with the increased organ functions mentioned is desirable for increased willingness to perform. It is the total tension that increases our willingness to perform.        
With homeopath. The natural stimulus threshold in our nervous system and a relationship between mental and physical performance should be restored.

Coffea, coffee: Many people have their own experiences with the effects of coffee, from the lack of effect in very stable people to the stimulating invigorating effect and ultimately to over-excitement with sweating, palpitations, tremors, coldness, intestinal acceleration, restlessness and insomnia. The effect of coffee reflects what we know as stage fright or exam anxiety. In D12, this medicine is able to unfold its balancing and calming effect.

Gelsemium, the wild jasmine, has its relationship to excitement of the heart and vascular system combined with dullness of the senses. The limit has been crossed where the natural state of excitement before an impending event already leads to drowsiness. A high level of potency of this medicine is often able to bring about enlightenment of the sense organs and weakening of states of excitement.

Argentum nitricum, silver nitrate, has its main point of attack both in the CNS and in the autonomic nervous system. It is weakness, poor memory, hyperexcitability and fear of upcoming tasks. Rapid bowel function often occurs, with heart palpitations and tremors. It is also the overwhelmed and rushed person who is always under pressure and for whom every day is too short, for whom time is running out and who can no longer walk calmly and slowly, but only with hasty steps. This rush has translated into over-excitement and inability to perform. In D12, this medicine can also have a balancing and beneficial relaxing effect.

Ambergris, the waxy excretion of the sperm whale, is only known in D3 as a helpful remedy when it comes to sharpness of thought, coherent speech, especially in the presence of strangers and the temporary switching off of thoughts necessary for regeneration.

Strophantus gratus, with its main active ingredient strophanthin, has been known since Livingstone. Everything depends on the performance of our cardiovascular system, if it is not only about physical but also mental performance. The blood pressure must not fall and the blood should flow through the central performance organs. People also like to speak of a strong heart when they mean good performance. A very slight strengthening in this sense is to be expected in this remedy.            

This remedy outlines the coherent network of functions which, despite natural tension, are intended to prevent the naturally occurring processes from derailing. How different is this mechanism of action from one-sided calming and dampening, which at the same time always entails a loss of the performance of our memory. In this way, performance can not only be maintained, but also positively influenced.

Side effects:     
None known so far. 

15 to 20 drops 5 times a day (also every 1/4 hour). Shake before use!

General remark:     
Homeopathic drops should be taken undiluted, if possible directly on the tongue, as they are absorbed through the oral mucosa. If the taste is too sharp, you can dilute the counted drops in a glass with a few drops of water. Unless otherwise stated, homeopathic drops should always be taken on an empty stomach, ie before eating.         
From plant and other natural products, in higher concentrations, due to temperature fluctuations and other storage conditions, cloudiness and slight precipitation can occur, which have no effect on the effectiveness. 

Special warnings for safe use:     
This medicinal product contains 61.0% alcohol by volume and must not be given to alcoholics. For children, the counted drops should be diluted with a little water (2-3 tablespoons). Pregnancy and lactation: The doctor decides on administration during pregnancy and lactation. At the first signs of side effects, medical advice is required.

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