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Magister Doskar No. 15 heart and circulatory drops mild 50 ml

Magister Doskar No. 15 heart and circulatory drops mild 50 ml

Regular price $50.50 USD
Regular price Sale price $50.50 USD
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Cactus D3, Crataegus D3, Veratrum alb. D3.

Low pressure, flu support.

Properties and effectiveness:     
The work of the heart and circulatory system as a coherent functional unit is dependent on changing stress and temperature stimuli. Each of us knows that after a few days of forced bed rest, dizziness, unsteadiness and weakness set in. It is actually the daily stimuli that keep the heart and circulatory system going, so to speak. It's well known that we often feel much more comfortable during physical activities than we do on days when we're forced to lead a sedentary, inactive life. Many of our so-called trivial complaints such as tiredness, dizziness, headaches, cold hands and feet and sensitivity to the weather are rightly acknowledged by us with the statement: It's all part of the cycle.        
Coffee, nicotine and other stimulants are then supposed to help us overcome these problems. The effect is usually short and one-sided.    
Where other options for circulatory therapy, such as sufficient exercise, air, sun, cold water, brushing, rubbing with vinegar water, etc., do not exist, or where support for these measures is intended, drugs that have a comprehensive effect on the complex heart and circulatory system can develop.

Cactus grandiflorus, Queen of the Night, is used in particular where the tone, the state of tension mentioned above all in the heart, is either due to an inactive lifestyle or toxins in the context of a flu. disease is lost. How much depends on the course of a gripp. disease depends on an intact heart and circulatory function. Complaints from this side are often at the forefront of the disease. Cactus in the 3rd potency unfolds a mild, strengthening effect in this regard.

Crataegus, hawthorn, is certainly the most used heart and circulatory remedy when it comes to a general effect and there are no manifest signs of heart failure. This medicine in the present potency unfolds its regulating, balancing effect on the one hand in case of overexcitement and palpitations, on the other hand it is mildly stimulating and stimulating when needed.

Veratrum alb., white Germer, begins its effect there, especially in D3, where states of collapse can occur in the context of circulatory weakness (e.g. in infectious diseases, poisoning and heart diseases).

The requirement for a helpful remedy for cardiovascular weakness, where every strong drug effect represents an excessive demand and can often turn into the opposite, is certainly well met by this compound drug with its mild support of the entire area and is tried and tested. Experience has shown that prolonged use does not lead to a further weakening, but to a functional improvement and strengthening of the cardiovascular functions.

Side effects:     
None known so far. 

Often 10 to 12 drops. Shake before use!

General remark:     
Homeopathic drops should be taken undiluted, if possible directly on the tongue, as they are absorbed through the oral mucosa. If the taste is too sharp, you can dilute the counted drops in a glass with a few drops of water. Unless otherwise stated, homeopathic drops should always be taken on an empty stomach, ie before eating.         
From plant and other natural products, in higher concentrations, due to temperature fluctuations and other storage conditions, cloudiness and slight precipitation can occur, which have no effect on the effectiveness. 

Special warnings for safe use:     
This medicinal product contains 63.3% alcohol by volume and must not be given to alcoholics. For children, the counted drops should be diluted with a little water (2-3 tablespoons). Pregnancy and lactation: The doctor decides on administration during pregnancy and lactation. At the first signs of side effects, medical advice is required.

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