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Magister Doskar No. 3 kidney and bladder drops 50 ml

Magister Doskar No. 3 kidney and bladder drops 50 ml

Regular price $50.50 USD
Regular price Sale price $50.50 USD
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Berberis D3, Solidago D3. 

To lower the uric acid level, for kidney stones, for detoxification in and after infectious diseases. 

Properties and effectiveness:     
Kidneys, liver, intestines, lungs and skin are the major excretory organs in humans, with the kidneys leading the way. What the liver and kidneys do not excrete, the intestine excretes. What the intestines do not excrete, the lungs excrete. According to Chinese medicine, what the lungs cannot eliminate, the skin eliminates, and what the skin cannot eliminate leads to death. We know a great deal and disorganized about the importance of elimination via kidney activity, intestinal activity, breathing and sweating. In folk medicine, the excretory functions are often given special attention and stimulated. For acute illnesses through sweating cures, for chronic illnesses through a variety of herbs that are supposed to stimulate kidney and intestinal function. We instinctively know something about the slagging of the body and try to cleanse the organism again and bring it to a well-ordered organ and cell function by means of purification possibilities. In the foreground of the so-called slagging processes is the uric acid diathesis. A poor metabolic function of the liver causes the blood in the body to be overloaded with acidic metabolites and the kidneys to be overloaded, which in turn can cause complaints as an organ (bladder, kidneys) or subsequently cause disorders of the entire organism, e.g. B. rheumatoid complaints, slackening of the skin, tiredness, headaches and the like in the sense of a general impairment of the organism. Urinary changes up to susceptibility to bladder infections occur. In the foreground of the so-called slagging processes is the uric acid diathesis. A poor metabolic function of the liver causes the blood in the body to be overloaded with acidic metabolites and the kidneys to be overloaded, which in turn can cause complaints as an organ (bladder, kidneys) or subsequently cause disorders of the entire organism, e.g. B. rheumatoid complaints, slackening of the skin, tiredness, headaches and the like in the sense of a general impairment of the organism. Urinary changes up to susceptibility to bladder infections occur. In the foreground of the so-called slagging processes is the uric acid diathesis. A poor metabolic function of the liver causes the blood in the body to be overloaded with acidic metabolites and the kidneys to be overloaded, which in turn can cause complaints as an organ (bladder, kidneys) or subsequently cause disorders of the entire organism, e.g. B. rheumatoid complaints, slackening of the skin, tiredness, headaches and the like in the sense of a general impairment of the organism. Urinary changes up to susceptibility to bladder infections occur. kidney) can cause symptoms, or subsequently cause disorders of the entire organism, e.g. B. rheumatoid complaints, slackening of the skin, tiredness, headaches and the like in the sense of a general impairment of the organism. Urinary changes up to susceptibility to bladder infections occur. kidney) can cause symptoms, or subsequently cause disorders of the entire organism, e.g. B. rheumatoid complaints, slackening of the skin, tiredness, headaches and the like in the sense of a general impairment of the organism. Urinary changes up to susceptibility to bladder infections occur. 

Berberis vulgaris, the sour thorn, has a central effect on both the liver and kidney function at this weak and key point. 

Solidago, the goldenrod, is a primary renal function remedy. With these two medicines, the beginning of a therapy in terms of detoxification is often introduced, so that the organism can regain its ability to react. The combination of liver and bile drops is often also indicated. At the same time, the organ system of the bladder, kidneys and the quality of the urine is positively influenced and the tendency of the inflammations that often recur in this organ area in symptom-free intervals is significantly reduced. There are probably no sick or healthy days when our special attention should not be paid to the kidney function in order to maintain and regain health.

Side effects:     
None known so far. 

10 to 12 drops 3 times a day. Shake before use!

General note:     
Homeopathic drops should be taken undiluted if possible, directly on the tongue if possible, as they are absorbed through the oral mucous membranes. If the taste is too sharp, you can dilute the counted drops in a glass with a few drops of water. Unless otherwise stated, homeopathic drops should always be taken on an empty stomach, ie before eating.         
From plant and other natural products, in higher concentrations, due to temperature fluctuations and other storage conditions, cloudiness and slight precipitation can occur, which have no effect on the effectiveness. 

Special warnings for safe use:     
This medicinal product contains approx. 70.0% alcohol by volume and must not be given to alcoholics. For children, the counted drops should be diluted with a little water (2-3 tablespoons). Pregnancy and lactation: The doctor decides on administration during pregnancy and lactation. At the first signs of side effects, medical advice is required.

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