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Magister Doskar No. 39 Blood Circulation Drops 50 ml

Magister Doskar No. 39 Blood Circulation Drops 50 ml

Regular price $50.50 USD
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Crataegus D1, Cactus D1, Iberis amara D2, Spigelia D2, Kali carbonicum D3.

angina pectoris.

Properties and effectiveness:     
Pain that is localized in the area of ​​the heart, intensifies under stress and excitement, often has a radiating character (usually to the left arm) and is often associated with anxiety, is also generally referred to as "angina pectoris" without exact medical clarification. The transition from mild, so-called functional, to severe, manifest complaints is certainly a smooth one. The fact that the symptoms often change and are quite severe, often with long intervals without symptoms, opens up the possibility of therapeutic influence in this functional area.        
Homeopathic medicines with their regulatory character can have a controlling effect on the heart, cardiac conduction, coronary arteries, blood pressure and nervous excitability. The presumed cause of the disorder is not the isolated effect, eg only on the coronary arteries, but the overall situation in which the affected person finds himself. It's not just the symptoms, it's also the fear of the symptoms - just as fear is inextricably linked to all disorders that occur in the heart. Long-lasting exposure to these mild and beneficial medicinal stimuli leads to a high level of self-confidence in the patient and a reduction in areas of tension with increased lability. The therapy of a cardiac disorder should be carried out gradually and gradually lead to a necessary intensification of the measures. As long as the body's own regulatory mechanisms can be stimulated, the organ can exercise its own fitness. Especially in recent times, the ability to train the heart, including the diseased heart, and the resulting improvement has become common knowledge and treatment.        
Homeopathic medicines have the advantage that they can act in this direction without toxicity (poisonous effect) and can often achieve considerable improvements. Coronary artery dilating agents and digitalis should not always be the exclusive means of choice when it comes to heart problems and cardiac insufficiency. A much better response and coping with any digitalis therapy that may be necessary is often observed through a gradual, careful build-up of therapy, and it can easily be continued at the same time.     
The insight into the complex range of action of the individual drugs is trend-setting for the choice of remedy.

Crataegus, the hawthorn, the best-known heart remedy in natural medicine, has an effect on both the coronary arteries and the heart muscle. Furthermore, it acts in the blood pressure area, where it is able to lower high pressure and raise low pressure, so to speak, as a blood pressure regulator, and in a calming way in the nerve area. It develops all of these effects in a mild way, so that it is ideally suited for long-term therapy and also as support for any digitalis therapy.

Cactus grandiflorus (Selenicereus g.), the Queen of the Night, is used for its primary relationship with the coronary arteries with a mild tonic effect on the heart muscle; it is often the severe, paroxysmal pain radiating into the left arm, combined with anxiety, which is followed by sustained improvement and disappearance of the paroxysms.

Iberis amara, the candytuft, is a valuable medicine in homeopathy where there are arrhythmias in the heart with noticeable weakness and stabbing heart pain, and when the mind is restless and irritable.

Spigelia, Wormwort: The prescription of this herbal medicine is based on the cardiac effects, which may also present lancinating pain, radiating to the left arm, and pulse irregularity.

Potassium carbonicum plays a special role in the treatment of heart problems because of its constitutional relationship to despondency, excitement and jumpiness. Every excitement of the easily excitable people triggers new complaints. Furthermore, in this context, potassium has its importance in the water balance, where it can be associated with the swelling of the tissues. Potassium can always be used as a priority and supportive of any cardiac therapy.

With these combined drugs and their active components, there is an effective way of treating heart problems and heart weaknesses, which are usually inextricably linked, whether in the case of a so-called senile heart or a condition after heart damage and heart inflammation. Due to the slow onset of medicinal stimuli, an extensive improvement in the symptoms can often be achieved over a long period of time. The whole person as a sufferer, not just the pain in the organ area, is included in this form of therapy.

Side effects:     
None known so far. 

Acute 20 drops every 15 minutes, preventive 20 drops 3 times a day. Shake before use!

General remark:     
Homeopathic drops should be taken undiluted, if possible directly on the tongue, as they are absorbed through the oral mucosa. If the taste is too sharp, you can dilute the counted drops in a glass with a few drops of water. Unless otherwise stated, homeopathic drops should always be taken on an empty stomach, ie before eating.         
From plant and other natural products, in higher concentrations, due to temperature fluctuations and other storage conditions, cloudiness and slight precipitation can occur, which have no effect on the effectiveness. 

Special warnings for safe use:     
This medicinal product contains approx. 66.9% alcohol by volume and must not be given to alcoholics. For children, the counted drops should be diluted with a little water (2-3 tablespoons). Pregnancy and lactation: The doctor decides on administration during pregnancy and lactation. At the first signs of side effects, medical advice is required. 

Store medicines carefully! Safe from children!

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