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Pangrol 20000 - 50 tablets

Pangrol 20000 - 50 tablets

Regular price $34.50 USD
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Pangrol 20 000 is used for diseases of the pancreas, accompanied by a disorder of external secretion (eg pancreatitis, mucoviscidosis), stomach and small intestine (resections), and biliary excretion disorders.

Detailed product information

Pangrol ® 20,000 is used to substitute digestive enzymes for disorders of the pancreas' secretory activity that are associated with maldigestion. These disorders are caused, for example, by chronic pancreatitis or mucoviscidosis. They lead to limited food use, meteorism, and Roemheld symptom complex, especially in the current conditions after resection of the stomach or small intestine, functional bowel acceleration (caused by nervousness or intestinal infection), liver, gall bladder and biliary tract disorders, dyspepsia while eating hardly digestible plant, fat or unusual foods. Furthermore, Pangrol® 20 000 is suitable before using diagnostic imaging methods (X-ray, ultrasound) to reduce intestinal flatulence caused by digestive tract infections. 

Dosage and route of administration
The dosage of Pangrol 20,000 depends on the degree of severity of the disorder. The most effective dose is usually to be determined individually. Usually 1 to 2 capsules are taken 3x-5 times a day during a meal with sufficient fluid. The required dose may be significantly higher depending on the type of food and the known degree of severity of the digestive disorder. Particularly in patients with mucoviscidosis, the enzyme dosage necessary for adequate fat digestion should not be exceeded with regard to the composition and amount of food. Dose increases should be performed only under medical supervision, and the dose should be adjusted for improvement in disease symptoms such as steatorea and abdominal pain. The daily dose of enzymes corresponding to 15000-20000 IU of lipase per kg body weight should not be exceeded. 
The tablets should be taken uncooked. Care must be taken to ensure adequate fluid intake.
The product may be taken by adults, children from 3 years of age and adolescents. 

Acute pancreatitis and acute flare of chronic pancreatitis in the florid phase of the disease. Hypersensitivity to the substances contained in the preparation. 

Undesirable effects
There is no need to worry about side effects and complications, even with permanent and regular use of Pangrol 20,000 for abnormal pancreas function. In isolated cases, allergic reactions of the anaphylactic type and digestive tract allergic reactions occur after pancreatin administration. Patients with mucoviscidosis, in rare cases, have high levels of pancreatin in the lower sections of the intestine in the ileo-occlusive region and colon ascendens, which may develop with digestive disorders with abdominal pain. 

Symptoms of overdose and intoxication are not yet known, and the substances contained in Pangrol 20,000 can not be expected. 

Pangrol ® 20 000 contains pancreatin - a balanced mixture of digestive enzymes. For internal use. Carefully read the package leaflet. 

50 tablets

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