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Patriot Lab AC262536 - 90 Capsules

Patriot Lab AC262536 - 90 Capsules

Regular price $79.50 USD
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Package contents: 90 capsules

The product is intended for laboratory and research purposes only. It is not intended for direct consumption.

Patriot Lab is a brand new brand of dietary supplements whose products such as Ligandrol, Ostarine or Ibutamoren are innovative and excellent, which has been confirmed by numerous laboratory tests. The brand is constantly striving to provide its customers with high-quality supplements that are effective and safe. Patriot Lab ensures that the descriptions of the supplements' compositions are in full compliance with their content, and therefore provides only effective products to its clients!

All products under the Patriot Lab brand are completely safe, compliant, effective and every customer who uses them can be one hundred percent sure! Try one of our products today and start fighting for a better you! You certainly won't be disappointed!

What is AC-262536

AC-262536 is another new SARM, just like the ACP-105. It is a SARM because it selectively binds to the androgen receptor, just like all other SARMs. Compared to testosterone, AC-262536 exhibited 66% of the anabolic activity of testosterone and only 27% of the androgenic activity. This means that it has an anabolic to androgenic ratio of 2.45:1. This puts it in the range of Ostarine in terms of strength and potency.

Since AC-262536 has weak androgenic activity, it may be used in clinical settings in the future, and this is especially true for women, since they do not develop masculine characteristics when using it. AC-262536 is currently legal worldwide.

Advantages of AC-262536:

Boosts testosterone levels

Preliminary research showed that in just two weeks, AC-262536 had the ability to significantly increase anabolic numbers that lead to increased muscle mass and strength.

Slows the onset of Alzheimer's disease

AC-262536 acts on apolipoprotein E4, significantly reducing its presence in the body. Why is this important? Because APOE4 is a known protein that has an effect on diseases such as Alzheimer's disease and other cognitive impairments.

Reduces the risk of prostate cancer

The study showed that AC-262536 antagonizes DHT levels in the prostate, resulting in a shrinking prostate.

Scientists are still not sure whether elevated levels of DHT can actually worsen prostate cancer, and active research is being conducted on this matter.

Recommended dosage:

Take 1-2 capsules daily.

AC-262536 Side Effects

So far, no exogenous side effects have been discovered as a direct result of the use of AC-262536. However, there is one problem – it suppresses luteinizing hormone in our body.

LH naturally produces androgens in our body, which means it is essential for testosterone production. However, after weeks of use, all SARMs weaken LH production, but only to a small extent.

Women do not have the same problem, as LH does not play such a significant role in their body, which is why AC-262536 is considered for use in clinical settings in women.

AC-262536 Dosage, Cycle Length and Half-Life

Based on studies, the dose should be around 10 to 30 mg per day. Cycle length – do not exceed eight weeks. There is currently no data available to tell us what the half-life of AC-262536 is.

Does AC-262536 require PCT?

Since AC-262536 is a partial agonist, you normally shouldn't need a PCT to do so. If you are a woman, you will definitely not need a PCT.


This product is intended for users at least 21 years of age. If you have or are at risk for: prostate disease, heart disease or any other adverse medical condition, consult a doctor before use. Do not drink with alcohol or other stimulants. If you experience rapid heart rate, dizziness, vomiting or similar symptoms, stop using immediately.

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