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Patriot Lab SR 9011 - 90 Capsules

Patriot Lab SR 9011 - 90 Capsules

Regular price $79.50 USD
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Package contents: 90 capsules

The product is intended for laboratory and research purposes only. It is not intended for direct consumption.

Patriot Lab is a brand new brand of dietary supplements whose products such as Ligandrol, Ostarine or Ibutamoren are innovative and excellent, which has been confirmed by numerous laboratory tests. The brand is constantly striving to provide its customers with high-quality supplements that are effective and safe. Patriot Lab ensures that the descriptions of the supplements' compositions are in full compliance with their content, and therefore provides only effective products to its clients!

All products under the Patriot Lab brand are completely safe, compliant, effective and every customer who uses them can be one hundred percent sure! Try one of our products today and start fighting for a better you! You certainly won't be disappointed!

The only way to increase muscle definition and let your gains stand out is to reduce body fat. Burning body fat while maintaining gains can be quite challenging. However, if you are well versed in the issue, you know that there is a way to get a chiseled figure by shedding excess fat. SR 9011 is one possible answer.

SR 9011 is marketed as a selective androgen receptor modulator, but it is not actually one. It is a Rev-ErbA agonist. Rev-ErbA is a protein that is naturally produced in our body. SR9011 is formulated to boost the activities of this protein in our system, thus supporting a number of processes, including fat burning.

It is important to determine the difference between a Rev-ErbA agonist and a selective androgen receptor modulator. SARMs bind and stimulate androgen receptors found in muscle and bone tissues. They act as the male sex hormone testosterone and create a highly anabolic atmosphere that is very useful for increasing muscle mass and overall physical performance. However, this is not how the SR9011 works, which is why it is not a SARM although it is categorized as one of them.

One of the advantages of SR9011 over typical SARMs is that, like Rev-Erba, the compound is non-hormonal. It does not affect testosterone production in any way. This may sound like a disadvantage because testosterone is good for muscle gains, but on the other hand, compounds like SARMs that affect testosterone secretion are known to cause suppression. Testosterone suppression is when your body does not produce testosterone optimally due to the presence of a compound acting as a hormone. This may not be a problem when taking the product, but once you stop, low testosterone levels will affect your muscle gains and other aspects of your sex life. This is why we advocate PCT after using SARMs. Fortunately, you won't have to worry about this when using the SR9011 as testosterone production remains intact.

SR9011 and SR9009 (Stenabolic) are two different compounds. Both are Rev-Erba agonists and have similar effects in the body, but SR9009 is said to have poor bioavailability, which led to the development of SR9011. Therefore, the SR9011 is easily absorbed by the body, making it easier for your system to use and achieve the desired results.

Other advantages of SR 9011:

The Rev-ErbA protein is found in the liver, adipose tissue and muscle tissue. SR9011 supports the functions of this protein in these tissues to achieve the following results.

Fat loss

Studies have shown that SR9011 regulates circadian rhythm and metabolism to stimulate the breakdown of fat cells. SR9011 also promotes lipid metabolism in the liver and prevents the formation of new fat cells. SR9011 basically helps break down pre-existing adipose tissue. It helps your body use fat for energy instead of using up glucose stores.

Animal studies have shown that SR9011 increases mitochondria, which increases metabolism. The good news is that the high presence of mitochondria stimulates metabolism even when you are at rest. This means that you will burn fat even if you do nothing at all. Of course, we recommend supporting the SR9011 with a decent exercise activity and diet for best results.

Increases endurance

Endurance is very important for athletes. The Rev-ErbA agonist has been shown to increase the body's ability to maintain intense workouts. This is supported by animal studies as well as anecdotal evidence from people who already use the SR9011 and its better-known brother Stenabolic SR9009.

Improves recovery

Some people need 72 hours or more just to recover! That's a lot of wasted hours. With the SR9011, you can cut recovery time by more than half. Some users have reported experiencing faster and better recovery, allowing them to return to training within 24 hours. This is especially useful for athletes who are preparing for competitions.

Lowers LDL cholesterol

LDL cholesterol is also known as bad cholesterol, which is harmful to your body. Studies have shown that SR9011, like its brother SR9009, can lower LDL cholesterol, thus reducing the risks associated with it. In addition, this will increase good HDL cholesterol, thus boosting your cardiovascular health.

Other reported benefits of the SR9011 are:

– Improves circadian rhythm

– Increases gentle muscle mass growth

– Reduces inflammation

– Prevents anxiety

– Increases alertness

Recommended dosage:

Take 1-2 capsules daily.

The ideal dosage of SR9011 ranges from 10 to 30mg per day. Beginners should start with lower doses of 10 mg per day, and increase the dose only if they do not experience any side effects.

SR9011 cycles typically last 6 to 8 weeks. You should start a short 6-week cycle first, and then move on to 8 weeks in the next cycle. SR9011 does not cause testosterone suppression, but take a break between each cycle. Breaks help your body relax and also prevent your system from getting used to the product, which will affect its performance in the future.

SR9011 Half-Life

The SR9011 has a short half-life of just 4 hours. To maintain a high level of substance throughout the day, you should divide the dose into three doses. So if you're taking 15 mg a day, take 5 mg in the morning, 5 mg at lunch, and 5 mg at night. If you need an SR9011 to improve performance in the gym, take a dose about an hour before you start your workout. 

SR9011 Side Effects

One of the benefits of taking SR9011 is alertness. This helps you maintain attention and focus both in and out of the gym. This can be a problem, especially if you take the medicine late in the evening, as it may make it difficult for you to fall asleep. Apart from vigilance, users have not experienced any other serious side effects.

Is PCT necessary?

Post Cycle Therapy (PCT) is not necessary when using SR9011 as it is non-hormonal and does not affect testosterone production. However, PCT becomes essential if you use the SR9011 along with other SARMs.

Can I combine the SR9011?

Yes, the SR9011 can be combined with other SARMs for faster and better results. The SR9011 can replace the SR9009 in any stack and delivers similar results. It can be paired with volume SARMs such as Ligandrol LGD 4033, and drawing SARMs such as Cardarine. It will help you lose excess fat and maintain high levels of energy, strength and endurance.

SR9011 vs. SR9009

Both are very similar products. They work in the same way and bring the same benefits and maybe side effects. The only key difference between them is bioavailability. SR9009 or Stenabolic has been around for years and is widely used but has poor bioavailability. Experts recommend using it sublingually or through injections to avoid bioavailability problems. The SR9011 was developed to solve this problem. It has better bioavailability and can therefore be considered more effective than SR9009.


This product is intended for users at least 21 years of age. If you have or are at risk for: prostate disease, heart disease or any other adverse medical condition, consult a doctor before use. Do not drink with alcohol or other stimulants. If you experience rapid heart rate, dizziness, vomiting or similar symptoms, stop using immediately.

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