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Pure District Premium Slimm set

Pure District Premium Slimm set

Regular price $269.50 USD
Regular price Sale price $269.50 USD
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The set of two Pure District products contains SLIMM001 120 tablets and SLIMM002 225 g of loose mixture, which complement each other in their effects and are ideal dietary supplements for reducing diets and trying to maintain weight. SLIMM001 tablets contain green tea extract, which is a known antioxidant, positively affects blood cholesterol levels, lipid metabolism and helps in weight control. Dandelion and nettle promote detoxification of the body and excretion of excess water from the body. Selenium contributes to the protection of cells from oxidative stress, pantothenic acid to normal energy metabolism. Hibiscus helps normal digestion and bowel activity. Milk thistle contributes to optimal liver function, helps with digestion and cleansing the body.


SLIMM002 is a beverage powder that contains a combination of the patented nutraceutical Nutralga and glucomannan. Nutralga is a substance affecting the absorption of sugars and fats through individual enzymes. It stops the work of enzymes responsible for the cleavage of polysaccharides, which prevents them from forming sugars, which are subsequently converted into fats*. Glucomannan is a natural polysaccharide, a fiber that swells in the stomach, increases its volume and then continues to the intestines, where it functions as a prebiotic (becoming food for our "good" bacteria). Glucomannan in a low-energy diet contributes to weight loss (the beneficial effect is achieved with a daily intake of 3 g of glucomannan in three doses of 1 g drunk with 1-2 glasses of water, before meals and as part of an energy-restricted diet).

Main features:

  • lunar bark of two products with complementary effect
  • PURE SLIMM001 tablets contain herbal extracts for weight control (green tea)
  • PURE SLIMM002 is a blend of patented Nutralga and konjac fiber glucomannan


PURE SLIMM001: adults 2 capsules 2 times a day, washed down with water. It is recommended to take it in the morning and at noon.
PURE SLIMM002: take 3 times a day. Mix 1 measuring cup SLIMM002 filled to a height of 1-2 mm below the rim in a blanket of water and then drink 2 deci of water.

It is very important to keep the drinking regime continuously throughout the day (at least 2 liters of water). Take 0.5 hours - 1 hour before meals. Do not take at the same time as medication (take the medication at least 1 hour before taking SLIMM002 or one hour after taking it). The product may contain traces of soy, cereals containing gluten, milk and eggs.



SLIMM001: green tea leaf extract with 95% polyphenol content Camellia sinensis 4%, cream root extract Taraxacum officinale 23%, gelatin capsule (gelatine 100%, stinging nettle root extract Urtica dioica 17%, milk thistle seed extract Silybum marianum 11%, Sudanese hibiscus flower extract Hibiscus sabdariffa 8%, vitamin C (L-ascorbic acid), pantothenic acid (calcium D-pantothenate), sodium selenite. The product may contain traces of soy, cereals containing gluten, milk and eggs.
SLIMM002: chicory inulin 43%, glucomannan from Amorphophallus konjac 40%, brown seaweed NutrAlga 6.8%, acidity regulator: citric acid; Aroma, sweetener: steviol glycosides. The product may contain traces of soy, cereals containing gluten, milk and eggs.


Do not exceed the recommended daily dosage. The product is not intended as a substitute for a varied diet. The product is not intended for children, pregnant and lactating women. Keep out of reach of children! Pay attention to a varied and balanced diet and a healthy lifestyle.

*Clinical trials on patented nutraceutical NUTRALGA.:
1 Marine Algae as a Potential Source for Anti-Obesity Agents. Chu Wan-Loy and Phang Siew-Moi, Mar. Drugs, 2016, 14, 222-241. 2 Inhibitors effects of fucan sulfates on enzymatic hydrolysis of starch. Cho M, Han JH, You S. Food Science & Technol., 2011, 44, 1164-1171. a-Amylase and a-Glucosidase inhibition is diffe[1]rentially modulated by fucoidan obtained from Fucus vesiculosus and Ascophyllum nodosum. Kim KT, Rioux LE, Turgeon SL. 2014, 98, 27-33. 3 Effect of fucoidan administration on insulin secretion and insulin resistance in overweight or obese adults. Hernandez-Corona DM, Martinez-Abundis, Gonzalez-Ortiz M. J. Med. Food, 2014, 17, 830-832. 4 Fucoidan from the undaria pinnatifida suppresses adipocyte differentiation by inhibition of inflammatory related cytokines in 3T3-l1 cells. Kim KJ, By L. Nutr. Res., 2012, 32, 439-447. Marine algae as a potential source for anti-obesity agents. Wan-Loy C, Siew-Moi P, Mar. Drugs, 2016, 14, 222-241. Phlorotannins suppress adipogenesis in pre-adipocytes while enhancing osteoblas[1]togenesis in pre-osteoblasts. Karadeniz F, Ahn BN, Kim JA, Seo Y, Jang MS, Nam KH, Kim M, Lee SH, Kong CS. Arch. Pharm. Res., 2015, 38, 2172-2182. Dieckol, a phlorotannin isolated from a brown seaweed, Ecklonia cava, inhibits adipogenesis through AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) activation in 3T3-L1 preadipocytes. Ko SC, Lee M, Lee JH, Lee SH, Lim Y, Jeon YJ, Environ. Toxicol. Pharmacol., 2013, 36, 1253-1260. Fucoidan from marine brown algae inhibits lipid accumulation. Park MK, Jung U, Corner C, Mer. Drugs, 2011, 9, 1359-1367.

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