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Regular price $95.50 USD
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The BOOM STICK from Redcon1 forces our body to support its ability to produce testosterone and works ideally for those individuals who have low energy and fatigue. By increasing the natural testosterone in our body, we give ourselves the opportunity to feel young again. The energy of your youth was a byproduct of soaring hormones that ultimately led to us excelling in sports, school, and with the opposite sex.

What is a BOOM STICK?

Boom Stick is our natural testosterone booster.

How many capsules is one dose?

Boom Stick is 10 capsules per dose

Why is the dose size of 10 capsules?

The list of raw materials is so extensive that it would be impossible for there to be less of it, and the product works.

Can BOOM STICK be taken by women?

Boom Stick is perfect for men.

I am an athlete tested for banned substances, will I test positive?

No, if you take the BOOM STICK, you will not test positive in any case.

Do you need to undergo PCT?

No, PCT is not required.

What are the key benefits of BOOM STICK?

It will help you build muscle, increase your strength, Boom Stick will help you slim down and you will be more aggressive in the gym.

What is the ideal age to take BOOM STICK?

When men reach the age of 25, testosterone levels begin to gradually decline. And by the time you reach your mid-30s and early 40s, your hormone levels are at rock bottom, your energy and sex drive are at freezing point, and you may forget about gaining muscle mass at the gym or going on a sex vacation.

Who can take BOOM STICK?

Boom Stick will boost testosterone to those who already have reduced testosterone levels, but it will also work great for younger men in their 20s who haven't started dropping testosterone yet.

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