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Regaine 2% solution for the scalp 60ml

Regaine 2% solution for the scalp 60ml

Regular price $77.50 USD
Regular price Sale price $77.50 USD
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Regaine 2% prevents excessive hair loss and stimulates hair growth.

Regaine 2% prevents excessive hair loss and stimulates hair growth. This is how it preserves your current head hair. It also promotes the regrowth of new hair in areas that have already been thinned or bald and strengthens any downy hair that is still present. But it will take at least four months before you can see any success. If hair roots are still present, fine, light downy hairs can grow back, which become longer, thicker and darker over time. How quickly hair growth starts and how much hair grows back varies depending on the patient. Large bald spots or hair loss that has been around for more than 10 years respond less well to Regaine 2%. As soon as you stop using Regaine 2%, the hair loss starts all over again.

Instructions for use

Regaine 2% solution

Active ingredient:


What is in Regaine 2%?

1 milliliter contains 20 milligrams of the active ingredient minoxidil. The solution consists of ethyl alcohol, propylene glycol, and water.

How do you get Regaine 2%?

As a clear, colorless to slightly yellowish solution.

Which pack sizes are available?

60 ml, 3x60 ml

How does Regaine 2% work?

After application, Regaine 2% penetrates the scalp and reaches the hair roots. The mechanism by which it stimulates hair growth has not yet been clarified.

What is Regaine 2% used for?

Regaine 2% prevents excessive hair loss and stimulates hair growth. This is how it preserves your current head hair. It also promotes the regrowth of new hair in areas that have already been thinned or bald and strengthens any downy hair that is still present. But it will take at least four months before you can see any success. If hair roots are still present, fine, light downy hairs can grow back, which become longer, thicker and darker over time. How quickly hair growth starts and how much hair grows back varies depending on the patient. Large bald spots or hair loss that has been around for more than 10 years respond less well to Regaine 2%. As soon as you stop using Regaine 2%, the hair loss starts all over again.

When should you not use Regaine 2%?

If you are hypersensitive to any components of the drug. There is little experience with the use in children and adolescents. Hair loss after having a baby is normal to some extent. Therefore Regaine 2% should not be used. Certain types of hair loss can be signs of physical illness. In this case, Regaine 2% will not work and it is important for your health that you consult a doctor:

- sudden, severe hair loss

- extensive hair loss (e.g. circular hairless areas are formed)

Regaine 2% will also not work if the hair loss is caused by one of the following causes:

- Use or ingestion of certain drugs (e.g. for cancer)

- here, at most, faster hair regrowth can be promoted.

- severe nutritional problems (very low iron level, vitamin A overdose)

- Stop taking "pills" (the hormonal change can lead to a short-term increase in hair loss; however, this usually does not require medication)

- Thyroid disorders (especially underactive)

- scalp damaged by scarring or burns (as there are no longer any hair roots)

- Hairstyles in which the hair is pulled taut from the scalp (e.g. horse tail). In this case, you need to get rid of the mechanical irritation.

If you are unsure about the causes of hair loss, you should consult your doctor.

Pregnancy and breastfeeding period:

There is little experience with the use of Regaine 2% in pregnancy. Minoxidil that is absorbed into the body is excreted in breast milk. Regaine 2% should therefore not be used during pregnancy or breastfeeding.

What else should you watch out for?

Only a very small proportion of the active ingredient in Regaine 2% penetrates the skin. Side effects that do not affect the skin can never be completely ruled out, especially in hypersensitive or heart disease patients. If you notice edema (swelling of parts of the body, possibly also the face, caused by increased water retention) or heart problems (e.g. an accelerated heartbeat), please inform your doctor. Accidentally getting Regaine 2% in your eyes may cause irritation and a stinging sensation. This also applies to sensitive surfaces such as mucous membranes or abraded areas. In such cases, rinse the medicine off with plenty of water as soon as possible. To prevent Regaine 2% from accidentally coming into contact with other parts of the body, you should wash your hands after each use of the product. If you become pregnant, please stop the treatment. Regaine 2% must not be swallowed! Accidental ingestion can cause serious adverse effects. The medicinal product must therefore be kept out of the sight and reach of children. If your symptoms worsen or do not improve within 12 months, please consult a doctor.

Which substances can cause interactions with Regaine 2%?

So far, no interactions with Regaine 2% are known. To be on the safe side, you should not use Regaine 2% on the scalp at the same time as other medicines. It cannot be completely ruled out that the effects of antihypertensive drugs can be increased somewhat.

How and how often should you use Regaine 2%?

Bitte wenden Sie Regaine 2% nur auf der gesunden unverletzten Kopfhaut an und halten Sie sich genau an die folgenden Anwendungshinweise. Tragen Sie Regaine 2% nicht auf anderen KörpersteIlen auf. Morgens und abends verteilen Sie je 1 Milliliter Regaine 2% auf die gelichteten oder kahlen Stellen der Kopfhaut. Regaine 2% läßt sich sehr gut verteilen -1 ml reicht auch für große Flächen. Keinesfalls sollten Sie mehr anwenden. Tragen Sie die Lösung ausgehend von der Mitte der betroffenen Stellen durch sanftes Verstreichen auf. Ihre Kopfhaut und Haare müssen vollkommen trocken sein. Nach der Anwendung waschen Sie sich bitte die Hände, damit das Arzneimittel nicht versehentlich mit Augen oder Schleimhäuten in Berührung kommt. Wenn Sie Regaine 2% regelmäßig zweimal täglich anwenden, sehen Sie neue Haare nach etwa vier Monaten. Der Haarausfall wird schon früher gestoppt.

Overdose and accidental ingestion of Regaine 2%

Any accidental ingestion can cause serious side effects. This is related to the vasodilator effects of minoxidil. Signs of an overdose are usually expressed in the cardiovascular area (accelerated heartbeat with low blood pressure and reduced fluid excretion). The treatment must be carried out by a doctor.

What is the best way to apply Regaine 2%?

You will find three different attachments for the bottle in the pack so that you can optimally apply Regaine 2%.

Pump spray applicator:

This allows you to apply Regaine 2% on larger bald areas.

- Take the large and small caps off the bottle.

- Place the spray applicator on the bottle and screw it tight.

- To apply a sufficient amount of Regaine 2%, press the pump six times. After each pumping process, distribute the liquid over the hairless area with your fingertips. Avoid inhaling spray vapors.

- Close the bottle with the large cap after use. Keep the small cap in order to be able to close the bottle tightly when traveling.

Spray applicator with an extended tip

With it you can apply Regaine 2% on small bald spots; you can also get to the roots of your hair.

- First screw the pump spray applicator onto the bottle.

- Then remove the small spray head from it and put the extended tip firmly on it instead. Take off the small cap at the end of the tip.

- To apply a sufficient amount of Regaine 2%, press the pump six times. After each pumping process, distribute the liquid over the hairless area with your fingertips. Avoid inhaling spray vapors.

- After use, the small cap should be put back on the tip.

Contact applicator:

With it you can apply Regaine 2% on small bald spots.

- Remove the large and small caps from the bottle.

Usually ships out within 3-4 days

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