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RubaXX Plus drops 30 ml

RubaXX Plus drops 30 ml

Regular price $71.50 USD
Regular price Sale price $71.50 USD
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    RubaXX® Plus – Strong against pain, gentle on the body

    The medicinal drops RubaXX® Plus are convincing for pain in joints and muscles as well as the consequences of injuries and overexertion with twice the plant power! The two effective medicinal substances T. quercifolium and Phytolacca americana are combined into a unique complex in RubaXX® Plus.

    T. quercifolium has a pain-relieving effect on joint and muscle pain. Phytolacca americana has been proven effective for pain caused by inflammation. RubaXX® Plus is well tolerated. The medicinal drops are therefore also suitable for use in chronic complaints.

    RubaXX® Plus – About the active ingredients

    The RubaXX® Plus medicinal drops are characterized by their unique 2-fold complex against joint pain. It contains the active ingredients T. quercifolium and Phytolacca americana in special concentrations.

    T. quercifolium:
    The active ingredient T. quercifolium comes from a medicinal plant that grows primarily in North and South America. The Native Americans already valued its natural effectiveness.

    Today, T. quercifolium is well researched and valued for its pain-relieving effects in muscles and joints. The active ingredient is obtained from the fresh leaves and prepared for RubaXX® Plus using the most modern methods.

    T. quercifolium works 100% naturally. The active ingredient is also characterized by good tolerability. There are no known side effects or interactions.

    Phytolacca americana:
    The active ingredient Phytolacca americana comes from the medicinal plant of the same name, which is native to America. For RubaXX® Plus, the active ingredient obtained from the flowers and leaves is prepared in a special concentration.

    According to the drug picture, the active ingredient Phytolacca americana contained in RubaXX® Plus has proven to be effective for swollen joints and inflammation-related pain. That is why the active ingredient is primarily used for rheumatic diseases of the joints.

    The natural medicinal substance Phytolacca americana is well tolerated. There are no known side effects or interactions.

    With twice the plant power

    RubaXX® Plus contains two special medicinal ingredients that have proven effective for joint pain: The active ingredient T. quercifolium is particularly valued for its pain-relieving effect in muscles and joints. Pain in the joints is often caused by inflammation. This is where the active ingredient Phytolacca americana contained in RubaXX® Plus comes into play, which is primarily used for swollen joints and inflammation-related pain. Together, both active ingredients create the unique 2-fold complex of RubaXX® Plus. What's special: RubaXX® Plus also offers effective help for the consequences of injuries and overexertion!

    Natural & well tolerated

    RubaXX® Plus is 100% natural. In addition, the medicinal drops are well tolerated and do not put any strain on the body. With RubaXX® Plus, there are no known serious side effects of conventional chemical painkillers such as stomach ulcers or heart problems. There are also no interactions with other medicines.

    Can be dosed individually, effect without detours

    Thanks to its dosage form as drops, RubaXX® Plus can be dosed individually depending on the severity and course of the pain - for both acute and chronic pain. Another advantage: Thanks to the drop shape, the 2-fold complex contained is absorbed directly through the oral mucous membranes and can develop its effect without any detours. Tablets, on the other hand, first have to be broken down in the stomach and only find their way into the blood after a long journey through the digestive tract.

    RubaXX® Plus – dosage & recommended intake

    For acute pain, we recommend starting with a dosage of RubaXX® Plus of up to 6 x 5 drops daily. For chronic pain, up to 3 x 5 drops are recommended.

    If the symptoms improve, the frequency of intake should be reduced.

    The RubaXX® Plus medicinal drops are taken independently of meals after diluting in half a glass of water.

    Active ingredients

    • Rhus toxicodendron Dil. D6
    • Phytolacca americana Dil. D4

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