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Sanova Midro Tea herbal laxative stimulant 70 g

Sanova Midro Tea herbal laxative stimulant 70 g

Regular price $45.50 USD
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Midro Tea is a herbal stimulant laxative. 

Midro Tee is used in the short term for occasional constipation. 


MIDRO TEE must not be taken:

  • if you are hypersensitive (allergic) to preparations made from senna leaves or any of the other ingredients (cumin, licorice root, peppermint leaves, mallow flowers, strawberry leaves),
  • in case of intestinal obstruction, intestinal constriction and/or intestinal laxity,
  • in appendicitis,
  • in inflammatory bowel diseases such as Crohn's disease, ulcerative colitis,
  • abdominal pain of unknown cause
  • severe dehydration with loss of water and electrolytes, 


With prolonged use or misuse, potassium deficiency can increase the effect of certain drugs that strengthen the heart muscle (cardiac glycosides) and influence the effect of drugs to treat cardiac arrhythmias (antiarrhythmics). Interactions with medicines that cause a reversal of the normal heart rhythm (eg quinidine) and with medicines that can lead to a special form of heart rhythm disorders (QT prolongation) are possible. Potassium losses can be increased by the simultaneous use of certain drugs that increase urine output (diuretics), cortisone and cortisone-like substances (adrenal cortex steroids) or licorice root.

Please note that this information may also apply to recently used medicines.

Please inform your doctor or pharmacist if you are taking/using or have recently taken/used other medicines, even if they are non-prescription medicines.

Pregnancy and breast-feeding
Ask your doctor or pharmacist for advice before taking/using any medicine.

There are no adequate studies on the use of Midro Tee during pregnancy and breastfeeding. Midro Tee should therefore not be used during pregnancy and breastfeeding.  


Unless otherwise prescribed by the doctor, the usual dose is:
Dosage for adults and children over 12 years of age:
¼ - 1 measuring spoonful of Midro Tea is taken once a day with liquid after dinner.

The individually correct dosage is that required to obtain a soft-formed stool. Since Midro Tea is already effective in small amounts, you should start with ¼ measuring spoon, for example. The dosage can be individually increased up to a maximum of 1 measuring spoon (= 1.6 g).

It is usually sufficient to take Midro Tee two to three times a week.

Midro Tea is not recommended for children under the age of 12 due to insufficient experience.

Type of application
Unless otherwise prescribed, 2 options can be selected as the form of administration:

  • The medicinal tea can be prepared with cold or lukewarm water, poured off after 20 minutes and drunk. Can be sweetened to taste.
  • The medicinal tea can be swallowed with plenty of liquid (1 glass of water). After swallowing, the mouth should be rinsed out with water.

Midro Tea is best taken in the evening. The effect occurs after approx. 8 - 12 hours.

Duration of use
The drug should not be taken for more than a week and not in higher doses (more than 1 measuring spoon per day). It is usually sufficient to take Midro Tee two to three times a week.
If constipation lasts longer than 1 week, consult a doctor.

Please talk to your doctor or pharmacist if you have the impression that the effect of Midro Tee is too strong or too weak.

side effects

Intolerance reactions in the form of itching, nettle rash (urticaria), skin rash, either localized or covering the whole body (so-called local or generalized exanthema) can occur. It can also lead to spasmodic gastrointestinal complaints. In these cases, a dose reduction is required.
Long-term use or higher dosages (abuse) can lead to disturbances in the water and salt balance. Diarrhea that occurs can lead in particular to potassium losses. The loss of potassium can lead to cardiac dysfunction and muscle weakness, especially when taking drugs that strengthen the heart muscle (cardiac glycosides), drugs that increase urination (diuretics) and cortisone and cortisone-like substances (adrenal cortex steroids). Long-term use can lead to the excretion of protein and blood in the urine.
Furthermore, if the product is used improperly over a long period of time, discoloration of the intestinal mucosa (pseudomelanosis coli) can occur, which usually disappears after the preparation has been discontinued. A harmless red discoloration of the urine may occur during the course of treatment.

Information about the frequency of occurrence of side effects cannot be given. 


1 measuring spoon (1.6 g tea) contains:

  • 1 - 1.2 g senna leaves, cut
  • equivalent to 30 mg hydroxyanthracene derivatives, calculated as sennoside B

other ingredients:

  • Cumin, sliced
  • Licorice root, sliced
  • Peppermint leaves, chopped
  • Mallow blossoms, cut
  • Strawberry leaves, sliced 

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