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Schülke octenisan md nasal gel 6 ml

Schülke octenisan md nasal gel 6 ml

Regular price $54.50 USD
Regular price Sale price $54.50 USD
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For moistening and decontamination of the nasal vestibules through physical cleaning and for supportive wound treatment in the case of lesions in the nasal epithelium.

  • Decontamination of the nasal vestibules by physical cleaning
  • for supportive wound treatment in lesions of the nasal epithelium
  • for humidification
  • very good tolerance

Application areas:

octenisan ® md nasal gel is used to moisten, clean and decontaminate the nasal vestibules. It supplies the nasal vestibules with sufficient moisture when the nose dries out due to external influences and thus prevents irritation. Through this moistening, the hydrogel promotes the maintenance of the physiological environment and thus prevents the colonization of bacteria. Furthermore, the restoration of the physiological protective and cleaning function contributes to effective MRE decontamination.

Lesions of the nasal epithelium are also supplied with moisture by the hydrogel and can thus heal optimally. Because for the healing process, the epithelial cells must be able to divide and migrate. This is best possible in a moist wound environment.

Unless otherwise prescribed, use the medical product octenisan ® md nasal gel up to twice a day as needed. The medical product octenisan ® md nasal gel is intended exclusively for use in the nasal vestibules. Apply a sufficient quantity of the gel to the front area of ​​the nose (nasal vestibules) using a cotton swab, for example, so that the surface is completely wetted. For this purpose, the medical product octenisan ®md nasal gel inserted into the nostril/each nostril, closed the nose by squeezing the nostrils sideways and then massaged between thumb and finger. This ensures an even distribution of the gel. If necessary, the nose should be thoroughly cleaned beforehand with a wet cotton swab. Excess gel is removed with a swab. It is important to ensure that a film of moisture remains. To prevent the spread of germs, direct contact with the tube opening should be avoided.
Not suitable for children under 1 year.

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