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Similasan antiallergic eye drops 10ml

Similasan antiallergic eye drops 10ml

Regular price $46.50 USD
Regular price Sale price $46.50 USD
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For allergic reactions of the mucous membranes and eyelids as well as for itching, swelling, redness and burning eyes. Also with hay fever and pollen allergy.

Pharmaceutical-therapeutic category and mode of action
(How do the antiallergic eye drops "Similasan" work?)
Homeopathy is a regulation therapy to
stimulate the body's self-healing tendency .
The knowledge about the healing effects of homeopathic
single remedies , which come from plants, animals and minerals, are gained through drug tests on healthy people (test symptoms), by use on sick people and based on knowledge of scientific drug effects.
The summary gives the remedy picture as the basis of homeopathic medicine.
If the clinical picture and the drug picture match, the mode of action is not so much
linked to the size of the dose , but rather to the frequency with which the dose is
The combination agent antiallergic eye drops "Similasan" is a homeopathic specialty medicine according to the Medicines Act and is made up of individual homeopathic remedies . The preparation shows good effectiveness against allergic reactions of the mucous membranes and eyelids. It has an antipruritic,
decongestant and anti-inflammatory effect .

Areas of application
(When are the antiallergic eye drops "Similasan" used?)
To stimulate the self-healing tendency according to the homeopathic drug picture for:
• allergic reactions of the mucous membranes and eyelids such as:
• itching
• swelling
• redness
• burning eyes

(When should the antiallergic eye drops "Similasan" not be used?)
Hypersensitivity to a component of the preparation.
Use during pregnancy and breastfeeding is possible.

Precautions and special warnings for safe use
Characteristically, especially after the start of treatment with homeopathic medicinal products, a temporary increase in the existing symptoms can occur. Such reactions are harmless.
Measures in the event of an initial intensification of symptoms
1. Do not use the preparation until the reaction has subsided.
2. Put 1-2 drops in the eye once. Wait for the effect.
3. When the reaction is repeated, the same behavior as described under 1. and 2.
4. If you no longer feel a reaction, follow the recommendations under "Dosage and method of application". If the symptoms persist or if the application does not achieve the expected success, medical advice is required as soon as possible . Any lengthy treatment with a homeopathic medicine should be carried out by a
A homeopathically experienced doctor should be checked, as undesired drug
test symptoms may occur if the product is not used as indicated . Keep out of the reach of children.

Dosage and method of application
(How to use the antiallergic
Eye drops "Similasan"?)
• Squeeze the rubber part of the spout with two fingers
and drip drops into the eye.
• Avoid touching the rubber tip with your fingers and direct
contact with the eye.
• Close immediately after use!
Children and adults:
2 drops per eye one to several times a day.
Duration of treatment
Until completely symptom-free.
The reaction time of the organism to a drug release varies from
person to person.
When the symptoms have subsided, the
drug should be stopped. If
symptoms recur, the drug can be
used again.
If there is no improvement soon,
medical advice is required as soon as possible .
If you think that the drug is too strong or too
weak, talk to your doctor.

Side effects
None known

Reference to expiry date and storage
Do not exceed the expiry date stated on the packaging .
Do not use for more than a month after opening!
Do not store above 25 ° C.
Do not store near strong electromagnetic fields
(televisions, computer screens, microwave ovens)

(What does "Similasan" antiallergic eye drops contain?)
A single dose (= 2 drops) contains:
27.58 mg Apis
6X 27.58 mg Euphrasia officinalis
6X 27.58 mg Sabadilla 6X
as well as sodium chloratum, sodium-silver chloride complex
and water. 1 g corresponds to 22 drops

Usually ships out within 3-4 days

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