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Similasan common cold globules 15g

Similasan common cold globules 15g

Regular price $59.50 USD
Regular price Sale price $59.50 USD
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        Runny nose with thick mucus (thick, rubbery), runny nose with pressure pain in the root of the nose, forehead and jawbone, crusting of the nose, forehead and maxillary sinus problems


        • Runny nose with thick mucus in the nasopharynx
        • Runny nose with crusting of the nasal mucosa
        • Sinus catarrh


        no restriction


        Infants: 3 globules as a single dose.
        Children and adults: 7 globules as a single dose.
        For acute symptoms: every half hour to hourly.
        For healing: 2 to 3 times daily.


        • Red mercury sulphide D10
        • Kalium bichromicum D8
        • Luffa operculata D8

        Usually ships out within 3-4 business days

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