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Similasan headache drops 50 ml

Similasan headache drops 50 ml

Regular price $59.50 USD
Regular price Sale price $59.50 USD
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      Headache migraine


      • Headaches (e.g. after stress, anger or stimulant abuse)
      • Tension headaches
      • Frontal headache with flickering in the eyes
      • Nerve pain (face, eyes, head)
      • Headaches due to gastrointestinal problems and menstrual disorders


      Use from 6 years


      From 6 years: 5 drops diluted in water. Administer to children max. hourly.
      From 12 years: 10 drops.
      For acute headaches: every quarter to half an hour.
      At the first sign of a headache and in cases of tension: 3 to 6 times a day.


      • Atropa belladonna D4
      • Luffa operculata D6
      • Strychnos nux-vomica D6
      • Spigelia anthelmia D6

      Usually ships out within 3-4 business days

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