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Swiss Pharma Epistane 80 capsules

Swiss Pharma Epistane 80 capsules

Regular price $90.50 USD
Regular price Sale price $90.50 USD
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Epitan is slightly methylated PH, which is also a very strong anti-estrogen compound. It has 12x stronger ability to bind to the androgen receptor than testosterone. These properties make epistane one of the most anabolic and at the same time anti-estrogenic compounds on the market. Epistan is a special prohormone that will help you build muscle mass even during the period of dieting. It has muscle-building capabilities like anabolic steroids. It binds to androgen receptors of skeletal muscle and muscle stem cells. This leads to changes in muscle cell function and improved protein synthesis.

▪️Build strong muscles
▪️Increases overall muscle
▪️strength Helps get rid of unwanted fat
▪️Ideal product for the so-called drawing period

▪️Does not retain water

Take 1 capsule with 250 ml of water daily. Higher doses for advanced users should be discussed with your doctor or specialist. Swiss Pharmaceuticals is not responsible for health problems caused by incorrect dosage.

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