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Swiss Pharmaceuticals Gigatropin 50 capsules

Swiss Pharmaceuticals Gigatropin 50 capsules

Regular price $147.50 USD
Regular price Sale price $147.50 USD
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Premium stack from Swiss Pharmaceuticals. The effective formula of Gigatropin combines 5 extremely anabolic components - the prohormone Epistane and 4 substances from the SARM group (RAD140, MK677, LGD-4033 and YK11). Hgoes into periods when the primary goal is to build as much muscle gain and strength as possible, but also to increase endurance.

  • Increases HGH levels
  • Increases TST levels
  • Quality muscle mass
  • Fast regeneration
  • Improved protein synthesis
  • Strong anti-catabolic effect
  • Fat reduction
  • Increase strength and energy
  • Supports muscle pump
  • Increases overall muscle strength



RAD140 - 5mg



YK11 - 4mg


Arimistane is a powerful aromatase inhibitor that lowers estrogen levels in the body. Some studies have even shown a reduction in cortisol in the body. Prevents the conversion of testosterone into estrogen. It does this by binding to the aramotase enzyme.

Epistan is a special prohormone that will help you build muscle mass even during the period of dieting. It has muscle-building capabilities like anabolic steroids. It binds to androgen receptors of skeletal muscle and muscle stem cells. This leads to changes in muscle cell function and improved protein synthesis.

RAD140 or testlone is a SARM from the "newer" category. Its biggest advantage is providing a mega dose of testosterone without negative side effects. Its effects are comparable to testosterone, but RAD140 has a higher anabolic effect.

Thanks to the MK-677, you will gain large and high-quality muscles, your strength will increase and the amount of body fat will decrease. It is an ideal product for bodybuilders. The mechanism of action of MK-677 is based on its effect on increasing the secretion of hormones in the body, including growth hormone and IGF-1.

LGD-4033 is a very powerful SARM that will help you fulfill your potential. It is a non-steroidal oral SARM that binds to the AR and produces similar results to anabolic steroids.

YK11 - a strong myostatin inhibitor. What makes YK11 so special is its ability to act as an effective myostatin inhibitor. If there is a lot of myostatin in the body, it blocks the growth and formation of muscle mass. By inhibiting myostatin, you can increase your genetic potential and thus build huge muscle.

Take 2 tab. daily, ideally 1 tab. before training and 1 tab. during the day before meals.

The food supplement is not suitable for women and persons under 21 years of age. Consult a specialist before starting use. In case of health problems, consult a doctor. Do not exceed the daily recommended dose. Do not combine with alcohol, other narcotics or similar products.

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