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Umbrella Labs Cardarine GW-501516 Liquid 30 ml

Umbrella Labs Cardarine GW-501516 Liquid 30 ml

Regular price $105.50 USD
Regular price Sale price $105.50 USD
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Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator

Accelerates fat burning

It has a strong anti-catabolic and anabolic effect

Low liver toxicity

Very quickly absorbed into the body

Package contents: 30 ml solution

Active ingredient: 20mg GW-501516/ml

Dosage: 1 ml per day

Easy and accurate dosing

Up to 60% more effective on mg ratio

The product is intended for laboratory and research purposes only. It is not intended for direct consumption.

GW-501516, also known as Cardarin or Endurobol, is a Selective Androgen Receptor Modulator (SARM) designed specifically for fat burning. For many active athletes, it is the primary endurance supplement. It is used by elite athletes around the world. Reduces recovery time. It is strongly anti-catabolic and at the same time accelerates fat burning, which means that the weight loss process will not negatively affect the building of muscle mass. In addition, in liquid form, it is extremely quickly absorbed. Unlike other stimulants, there is no risk of the so-called "crash" effect.

GW 501516 stimulates the uptake of glucose and skeletal muscle tissues. Its main effect is very fast fat burning. Fat is burned by oxidation of fatty acids. It is a mechanism specially designed to treat obesity because it works very quickly indeed. GW also has the ability to increase the levels of good HDL cholesterol and lower the levels of bad LDL cholesterol.

This drug was developed in the 90s for the prevention and treatment of tumor formation in the colon, prostate and breast. A study conducted in the early 2000s found that GW 501516 and other PPARs are able to stop metabolic disorders, such as obesity and diabetes, through specific gene expressions.

Since the research was still ongoing, bodybuilders began using GW 501516 very quickly, calling it a very good supplement to increase endurance. Its ability to burn excess adipose tissue, speed up healing and dramatically increase endurance has made this drug a staple of every sports cycle.

Positive effects of sarms Endurobol GW 501516:

It increases endurance
very significantly It provides you with a large amount of energy, the intensity of training will be much higher than ever before
Very effectively increases regeneration
It burns fat quickly, but is not catabolic. This means that you will maintain all your muscle gains while being leaner.
The effects are felt already after the first dose
It provides one of the cleanest energies. It is not a stimulant, so you will not feel anxious.
Gives you an overall sense of health and well-being: There have been no known side effects, liver toxicity, or suppression of
reductions in self-production of testosterone, so it is not necessary to put on a PCT.
It will allow you to lose weight by using fat stores of energy rather than carbohydrates

Negative effects:

GW 501516 has had no side effects found in the last 20 years of research. That is why he became a legend in the world of sports and athletics.

Advantages of the product:

  • progressive fat burning
  • pronounced anti-catabolic effect
  • increases the level of positive cholesterol
  • can be combined with other products
  • Who is the product for: athletes looking for a means to enhance athletic performance, bodybuilders in and out of the drawing cycle


The package contains 30 ml of liquid solution GW-501516 and will last about a month at the recommended dosage. The daily dose (approximately 1 ml of solution) is washed down with the required amount of water. Increased dosage is generally not recommended, it is necessary to consult a doctor before adjusting the dosage. The manufacturer is not responsible for health complications caused by excessive dosage. The product is not recommended for persons under 21 years of age.

Recommended dosage of sarm endurobol (GW 501516):

The recommended daily dose is 10-20 mg per day divided into two doses (morning and evening), ideally 45 minutes before training for 12-14 weeks (cycle). It acts in the body for 16-24 hours. After the cycle, the use of a PCT (post-cycle therapy) product is recommended.


SARMs can generally only be used for scientific purposes and are therefore not a dietary supplement or medicine. All information provided on this website is taken from scientific studies and is not intended as an informational guide, it merely points to the scientifically proven effects of these products. All texts operate only on a hypothetical level.

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