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Umbrella Labs Ligandrol LGD-4033 Liquid 30 ml

Umbrella Labs Ligandrol LGD-4033 Liquid 30 ml

Regular price $105.50 USD
Regular price Sale price $105.50 USD
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One of the most powerful SARMs with strong anabolic effects to increase strength and muscle mass and further burn fat.
Package contents: 30 ml solution

Serving size: 20 mg / 1 ml

Dosage: 1 ml

Easy and accurate dosing

Extremely fast absorption

Lower liver toxicity

Up to 60% more effective on mg ratio

The product is intended for laboratory and research purposes only. It is not intended for direct consumption.

SARM Ligandrol (LGD-4033) is one of the strongest compounds of its kind. Liquid Ligandrol LGD-4033 can provide you with excellent volume support. It provides almost steroid returns with minimal side effects. Ligandrol targets androgen receptors in bones and muscles and kick-starts the muscle regeneration process. Even the lowest doses can help you gain considerable muscle mass. It burns body fat and gives you sharper and more toned muscles. LGD 4033 can also help you maintain this weight during a calorie deficit.

Advantages of Ligandrol LGD-4033:

  • huge increase in strength
  • increase in lean muscle mass
  • supports regeneration and healing
  • increases fat burning
  • prevents muscle atrophy
  • can be used in the mass and definition phases
  • Works well as a standalone product or with other SARMS

LGD-4033 belongs to the group of SARMs in oral form, which binds to androgen receptors with high affinity. It was developed to treat muscle loss in cancer or age-related weight loss. In other words, it is a nonsteroidal oral selective androgen receptor modulator. It exhibits significant anabolic and selective activity in muscles and bones, thus having minimal impact on the prostate or sebaceous glands. The fact that it is selective means that its action is favored in the androgen receptors of the musculoskeletal and bone.

Recent studies have shown a relatively high safety of this drug and its dosage at doses of no more than 22 mg. It is important to note that in all studies they show very similar to the same results, which is very positive information, because the worst thing is when we have the opportunity to follow studies of some drugs where each study comes up with a different result.

Its anabolic effect compared to Ostarine is 4 to 6 times stronger.

Its positives and the way it is used:

It is relatively still new SARMs, which brings an increase in muscle mass and a decrease in body fat, also offers an increase in muscle strength and in a certain way also reduces pain in tendons or joints. Such are the properties of all SARMs, but Ligandrol is the most effective in this regard. In studies, he brought decent gains in normal eating and without strength training already at doses of 1 mg per day, so there is a strong assumption that with a quality diet, the results will be much greater. The positive effects on lowering SHBG levels are also beneficial.

Positive effects of Ligandrol (LGD-4033):

Very strong anabolic activity resulting in a massive increase in muscle mass and strength, without simultaneous strong androgenic and harmful side effects
A real and comparable alternative to anabolic-androgenic steroids, without their harmful and androgenic effects!
Strong anti-catabolic effects and protection of muscle mass from degradation
Rapid onset of action
Relatively long efficacy time and half-life per tablet supplement (24-36 hours)
Strong support burning body fat
Very good regeneration
Improving blood circulation and pumping muscles during workouts
Overall improvement in health, well-being and vitality
You will feel great and vital throughout the cycle or use

Side effects:

The negatives related to the use of Ligandrol are at a low level, it is always necessary to remember that SARMs have been on the market for a short time, therefore relying only on this data may not be advisable. However, it is true that the study was conducted enough to describe the side effects, which will be listed below.
LGD-4033 has a very low, practically negligible androgenic activity, due to which it has no side and adverse androgenic effects, known from the use of anabolic-androgenic steroids (which mainly include great water and salt retention, acne, oily skin, hair loss, prostate enlargement, excessive body hair growth, aggressiveness, etc.)


The package contains 30 ml of liquid solution of Ibutamoren MK-677 and will last about a month at the recommended dosage. The daily dose (approximately 1 ml of solution) is washed down with the required amount of water. Increased dosage is generally not recommended, it is necessary to consult a doctor before adjusting the dosage. The manufacturer is not responsible for health complications caused by excessive dosage.

Recommended dosage of Ligandrol (LGD-4033):

The recommended daily dose is 10 mg when taken alone. It is used for 4-8 weeks. It can also be combined with other SARMs, most commonly GW-501516 and S-4, but its daily dose does not exceed 2.5-5 mg.
The most commonly used dose in practice is 10 mg per day, which gives good results with minimal negative effects. Ligandrol is often used in PCT to maintain weight in daily doses of 3 to 5 mg for the first 10 to 14 days.
After a cycle lasting 8 weeks or more, or taking 4 tablets a day or more, we recommend doing a mini-PCT (post-cycle therapy, a small recovery cycle to restore endogenous testosterone production)


SARMs can generally only be used for scientific purposes and are therefore not a dietary supplement or medicine. All information provided on this website is taken from scientific studies and is not intended as an informational guide, it merely points to the scientifically proven effects of these products. All texts operate only on a hypothetical level.

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