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Regular price $127.50 USD
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USP Labs Pink Magic™ is a powerful, newly formulated testosterone booster that will turn the entire testosterone booster market on its head! USP Labs has built a reputation for producing highly effective and extremely effective herbal supplements using only premium key ingredients. So what is Pink Magic™ and what is it for? Pink Magic™ is a natural testosterone booster, increases vasodilation and promotes muscle density. In other words, expect to gain lean, thick, strong, and hard muscles while taking Pink Magic™.

Pink Magic™ became an instant Underground Legend when it was originally released and sold as gangbusters. The key ingredient in the original Pink Magic™ was Massularia Acuminata, which has been shown to be responsible for boosting natural testosterone levels and being a natural aphrodisiac. One study showed that an aqueous extract from the strain Massularia acuminata has androgenic potential, which is responsible for increased strength and size. It is one of the few herbs that has shown any androgenic potential. Massularia acuminata is one of the few plants with medicinal properties that is effective as an aphrodisiac through mechanisms such as vasodilation, nitric oxide formation, increase in androgens and gonadotropins. One study also showed that Massularia acuminata increased serum LH and testosterone levels approximately 60% above baseline levels after just 3 weeks of dosing.

USP Labs is among the most innovative supplement manufacturers in the industry. Pink Magic® has been formulated with the latest and most effective herbal extracts of testosterone and libido "harvested [harvested] in their peak season" to the highest possible concentrations of standardized ingredients. Pink Magic® increases muscle density, strength gains and pumps, while accelerating recovery and stimulating libido.

Both men and bodybuilders clamor after this composition that it is the "magical" solution they have been waiting for. For decades, researchers at USP Labs have been testing and refining ways to increase testosterone more effectively, naturally, safely — and legally. One ingredient that is a new and innovative testosterone booster that stands out above the rest is TESTOSURGE,® which has developed a patented extraction and a new innovative standardization process and isolated a group of active steroidal glycosides that have been clinically proven to rapidly increase testosterone levels! In healthy men, only 2-3% of testosterone is free (also bioavailable or biologically active), and about 40% is bound to albumin (meaning it's attached to a protein). This "testosterone" can be released from albumin and is also biologically active.

In several studies, TESTOSURGE® has been shown to increase total testosterone and biologically active forms of testosterone (free and bound to albumin). With a single dose of Testosterone®, researchers reported a significant increase in testosterone within 10 hours! And after that single dose, sedentary participants had more than a 300% increase in total testosterone! Even more amazingly, free testosterone levels increased by 110% and biologically active testosterone (album + free) by 220% compared to placebo. The follow-up study was completed at a prestigious American university by top doctors and exercise physiologists. Once again, they followed the "Gold Standard" protocol and conducted a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial, this time using previously trained subjects. And again, the results were phenomenal. Already after 4 weeks, total testosterone and bioavailable testosterone began to increase. By the end of 8 weeks, total testosterone had increased by 146% and bioavailable free testosterone had increased by up to 178%.

The researchers noted increased strength and a 220% significantly lower percentage of body fat. Pink Magic® is the fastest working and strongest testosterone booster in the world, clinically proven to start increasing testosterone from the very first dose. Pink Magic® contains Eucommia Ulimoides, which works by providing compounds that can activate androgen receptors in the human body unlike other testosterone boosters. It is the first plant androgen ever discovered, and Pink Magic® contains an extract in a 100:1 ratio that greatly aids in strength and size growth.

Pink Magic® also contains MacaPure® brand Maca in a highly concentrated form, for men and increased libido. Naturex has its own extraction process, which allows for a high content of active ingredients. MacaPure® extract is standardised to 0.6% macamids and macaenes, active ingredients that have been shown to have beneficial effects on sexual function. Pink Magic® provides anabolic and androgenic compounds that work synergistically with Testosurge® and Massu.

Recommended dosage

Take 3 tablets in the morning after meals. To improve the effect, you can take 3 tablets in the afternoon. Do not exceed 6 tablets per day.

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