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Vemoherb Bulgarian Tribulus 90 tablets

Vemoherb Bulgarian Tribulus 90 tablets

Regular price $63.50 USD
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Bulgarian Tribulus Terrestris is the best testosterone stimulant on the market! An increase in testosterone levels promotes the growth of powerful muscle and strength.

Original Bulgarian Tribulus Terrestris with a guaranteed content of 60% protodioscin. One capsule contains: 200 mg of dry extract of Bulgarian Tribulus Terrestris containing 60% futostanol saponin, determined as Protodioscin, and 4 mg magnesium stearate.

The main benefit of the original Bulgarian VemoHerb Tribulus is the high content of the steroidal saponin Protodioscin (standardization to 60%), which is currently the strongest available extract containing protodioscin on the market worldwide (CAUTION – not to be confused with total saponins!) The standardized content of Protodioscin is a guarantee of low content of other less effective saponins such as Protogracillin and others, as well as a limited content of flavonoids (always below 10%) and tannins (always below 10 %).

How do I know the original Bulgarian Tribulus?

Currently, there are only two main producers offering extracts with a high content of Protodioscin: VemoHerb Tribulus (60% Protodioscin) and Sopharma Tribestan (average 54-55% Protodioscin/Protogracilin). Vemo99 Ltd. (1996) holds a special technology for the extraction of Tribulus Terrestris with a guaranteed content of 60% pure protodioscin, which is currently the strongest extract available also in Bulgaria. CAUTION – never confuse the content of pure protodioscin with the content of total saponins. Saponins are just a generic term, so even a 95% extract containing saponins can contain only 1.5% protodioscin! The reason for this is the mentioned origin of the raw material.

How does VemoHerb Tribulus work?

The steroid saponin Protodioscin is an active substance that stimulates the production of sex hormones (testosterone in men, estrogen in women), has a positive effect on the central nervous system and acts as an active component of anabolic nature. In the male body, Protodioscin increases testosterone levels, regulates the level of other hormones without interfering with their function, and optimizes the functionality of the prostate gland. In women, Protodioscin increases the level of pregnenolone, progesterone and estrogen levels and improves sexual libido, promotes a positive psychological and emotional state.

Protodioscin stimulates the production of luteinizing hormone in the pituitary gland and thus directly increases the secretion of sex hormones. Protodioscin is further transformed into DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone) in the human body. This has a significant impact on positive nitrogen balance, protein synthesis and muscle growth. The main effect is as required: an increase in physical strength, muscle volume, endurance and sexual libido.

VemoHerb Tribulus is a non-hormonal supplement of plant origin, which is used to increase sexual libido and potency, stimulate natural testosterone production and maintain optimal levels of the hormones cortisol and estradiol. Positive effects on fertility (fertility) have been proven, it is also suitable for application during menopause and andropause ("transition" in men).

VemoHerb Tribulus increases the available energy level during physical performance, helps to remove toxins caused by mental stress, promotes fat loss and stimulates muscle mass and strength growth.

VemoHerb Tribulus also increases nitrogen retention (usability of proteins and their subsequent incorporation into muscle fibers). Protodioscin is thus an indispensable substance in bodybuilding and all strength sports aimed at increasing the volume of pure muscle mass and increasing strength.

Recommended basic dosage:
the basic all-day dose is 3-6 capsules per day; Divide the whole day dose into three partial doses with plenty of water.

Recommended dosage usable for bodybuilding and strength sports:
We recommend taking VemoHerb Tribulus Terrestris in eight-week treatments followed by a two-week break.
The basic daily dose of VemoHerb Tribulus Terrestris is 10-15 mg per 1 kg of body weight, divided into three doses during the day.
You can increase the basic daily dose by up to 50% in the first 2-3 weeks if you require a faster onset of effect.

Example – for example, if your weight is 80 kg, your basic effective dose of VemoHerb Tribulus Terrestris is 800 to 1200 mg per day, i.e. 4-6 capsules of VemoHerb Tribulus Terrestris per day; In the first 2-3 weeks, "increase" the dosage by 50% (i.e. take 6-8 capsules).

Packaging: 90 tbl.

Nutritional value: in 1 tablet.

Bulgarian Tribulus Terrestris extract containing 60 % futostanol saponin determined as Protodioscin 200 mg Magnesium Stearate 4 mg


tribulus terrestris, magnesium stearate.


suitable for athletes, food intended for special nutrition. Observe the dosage. Not suitable for children and lactating women.

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