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VemoHerb Bulgarian Tribulus Maxx 60 capsules

VemoHerb Bulgarian Tribulus Maxx 60 capsules

Regular price $73.50 USD
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Original Bulgarian VemoHerb Tribulus Terrestris with a guaranteed content of 60% protodioscin (furostanol saponin) and a balanced natural content of synergistic furostanol saponins (prototribestin, tribestin, dioscin and others).

The product is regularly tested in each batch (before release for sale) for the absence of hormones and prohormones in an accredited laboratory.

The main benefit of the original Bulgarian VemoHerb Tribulus is the high content of furostanol saponins.  The content of protodioscin is standardized by a special and careful extraction method to 60% of the total content  (WARNING – not to be confused with total saponins!).

The stated extraction ratio is absolutely ideal and guarantees maximum efficiency.  It is therefore not only about protodioscin and its content, but about the overall and perfectly balanced composition of the product, when the effect of protodioscin is strengthened with the help of other synergistic components (prototribestin, tribestin, dioscin and others...) . Furthermore, the content of flavonoids (always below 10%) and tannins (always below 10%) is optimized.

Original Bulgarian Tribulus, a real guarantee of effect

Not everyone knows that Tribulus Terrestris is a plant that we can find in several parts of the world, such as the USA, South America, Mexico, Spain, India, China and Bulgaria. Even less is it known to the public that Bulgarian Tribulus has completely different properties than Tribulus from other parts of the world.  The original Bulgarian Tribulus contains 40-60 times more protodioscin  in dry matter than Tribulus from other parts of the world. For this reason, Bulgarian Tribulus is several times more expensive as a raw material.  Bulgarian Tribulus is also characterized by the content of other furostanol saponins, which plants from other parts of the world do not contain. These saponins are mainly prototribestin, tribestin and dioscin.

Vemoherb Bulgarian Tribulus = everything under one roof = from the plant harvested in the right growing season, through gentle extraction to the final product with a balanced synergistic ratio of furostanol saponins .

The mentioned difference in the composition is due to the different genotype of the plant, the characteristic climate, the composition of the soil and also the harvesting period, which takes place in the precisely determined vegetation period of the plant, when the content of bioactive components is the highest. Therefore, it is also e.g. Chinese or Indian tribulus used for different purposes, such as diuretic action, etc. These products are not naturally high in protodioscin, prototribestin, tribestin and dioscin, but are usually listed only as total saponins, as the content of these specific components is very low, or even zero.

How do I recognize the original Bulgarian Tribulus?

Currently, there are only two main producers in Bulgaria offering extracts with a high protodioscin content: VemoHerb Tribulus (60% Protodioscin) and Sopharma Tribestan (average 54-55% Protodioscin / Protogracilin). Vemo99 Ltd. (1996) owns a special technology for the extraction of Tribulus Terrestris with a guaranteed content of 60% pure protodioscin.

The product is suitable for all individuals focused on:

  • Maximum possible support for testosterone formation
  • Sexual libido
  • Maximum strengthening of vitality
  • Maximum strengthening of training results.

The main benefits of the product:

  • You are buying a 100% original
  • Synergistic enhancement of the effect of protodioscin
  • Supplemented with an extract with a total content of furostanol saponins
  • True Bulgarian Tribulus and True Bulgarian Fenugreek (Fenugreek)
  • Guarantee of quality, purity and effect

Recommended dosage: 

  • The basic dose is 3-6 capsules per day in 3 doses of 1-2 capsules. Drink enough water.

Additional dosage options: 

  • Strength sports and bodybuilding: 8-week course
  • VemoHerb Tribulus is recommended to be dosed in eight-week courses with a two-week break. The full daily dose is 10-15 mg per 1 kg of body weight, divided into three doses during the day.
  • If your weight is, for example, 80 kg, your dose is 800-1200 mg per day = 4-6 capsules per day, that means 1-2 capsules 3 times a day.
  • If your weight is, for example, 100 kg, your dose is 1000-1500 mg per day = 6-8 capsules per day, that means 2-3 capsules 3 times a day.
  • After completing the eight-week course, we recommend a two-week break, then we recommend repeating the entire cycle.

Synergistic combination with Cordyceps:  For a super effective effect, this product can be combined with Cordyceps extract CS-4 (VemoHerb). Extracts from these two substances have synergistic properties.

Warning:  Follow the recommended dosing procedure! Not suitable for children, pregnant and lactating women. Store out of reach of children. Do not exceed the recommended daily dose. It does not replace a varied diet. Store in a dry, dark place up to 25° C. Food supplement.


1 capsule
Standardized extract of Bulgarian
Tribulus Terrestris containing 60% furostanol
saponin, determined as Pretodioscin
200 mg


vegan capsule (hydroxypropylmethylcellulose), dry standardized extract of Bulgarian Tribulus Terrestris containing 60% furostanol saponin, determined as protodioscin, thickener maltodextrin, anti-caking agents magnesium stearate and calcium phosphate.

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